* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
echo "hello " .
$_REQUEST["fullname"] .
" you like the film genre " .
// print_r($_REQUEST);
$host = "webdev.iyaserver.com";
$userid = "[youruserid]";
$userpw = "[yourpw]";
$db = "[database name]";
include '../pdloginvariables.php';
$mysql = new mysqli(
if($mysql->connect_errno) {
echo "ERROR |" . $mysql->connect_error . "|" ;
} else {
echo "all good with the db connection!";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM movieView
WHERE genre like '" .
$_REQUEST["genre"] . "%' ORDER BY title";
echo "MY SQL =" . $sql . "<br><br>";
$results = $mysql->query($sql);
if(!$results) {
echo "SQL / db problem: " . $mysql->error;
} else {
echo "query was good and I should have results!";
echo " your search returned ... " .
$results->num_rows .
" results!";
.title { }
while($currentrow = $results->fetch_assoc())
echo "<strong>" .
"</strong> <em>(Rated ".
$currentrow["rating"] .
")</em>" .
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: Patrick Dent
* Date: 9/12/2017
* Time: 2:26 PM