* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /usr/local/bin/ |
Current File : //usr/local/bin/ea_install_profile |
# cpanel - ea_install_profile Copyright(c) 2016 cPanel, Inc.
# All rights Reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
package ea_install_profile;
use strict;
use Cpanel::JSON;
use Cpanel::PackMan;
use Cpanel::Config::Httpd;
use Data::Dumper;
use Path::Tiny 'path';
sub usage {
my ($msg) = @_;
print "Error: $msg\n" if defined $msg;
print "usage: ea_install_profile [--firstinstall|--install] profile_file\n";
print "\n";
print " With no flags, $0 will only do conflict resolution on the profile.\n";
print "\n";
print " --install: Resolve conflicts and install the profile.\n";
print " --firstinstall: Attempt to do the install without conflict resolution and fallback\n";
print " to doing --install if it fails. This is only intended to be used\n";
print " on a fresh cPanel install.\n";
print "\n";
exit( $msg ? 1 : 0 );
sub script {
my (@args) = @_;
die "May only be run if you are using EasyApache 4" if ( !Cpanel::Config::Httpd::is_ea4() );
my $profile;
my $install = 0;
my $firstinstall = 0;
my $idx = 0;
if ( $args[$idx] eq "--firstinstall" ) {
$firstinstall = 1;
if ( $args[$idx] eq "--install" ) {
$install = 1;
usage() if ( !defined $args[$idx] );
$profile = $args[$idx];
if ( !-f $profile ) {
$profile = "/etc/cpanel/ea4/profiles/custom/" . $profile;
usage("Cannot find profile") if !-f $profile;
my @addl_prefixes = eval {
map { $_->basename } path("/etc/cpanel/ea4/additional-pkg-prefixes/")->children;
print "Loading profile …\n";
my %server_pkgs;
@server_pkgs{ Cpanel::PackMan->instance->list( 'prefix' => 'ea-' ) } = ();
for my $prefix (@addl_prefixes) {
@server_pkgs{ Cpanel::PackMan->instance->list( 'prefix' => "$prefix-" ) } = ();
my $data = Cpanel::JSON::LoadFile($profile);
# 1. Fix ea-apachae24 package names with underscores for Ubuntu and with dashes for RHEL if needed (See ZC-11501 for why this is necessary)
my $pkgmgr = -x '/usr/bin/apt' ? 'deb' : 'rpm';
my $changed = 0;
if ( $pkgmgr eq 'deb' ) {
foreach my $pkg ( @{ $data->{pkgs} } ) {
my $new_pkg = _normalize_pkg_for_ubuntu($pkg);
if ( $new_pkg ne $pkg ) {
$pkg = $new_pkg;
$changed = 1;
elsif ( $pkgmgr eq 'rpm' ) {
foreach my $pkg ( @{ $data->{pkgs} } ) {
my $new_pkg = _normalize_pkg_for_rhel( $pkg, \%server_pkgs );
if ( $new_pkg ne $pkg ) {
$pkg = $new_pkg;
$changed = 1;
else {
die "How did we get here? `pkgmgr` is neither `rpm` nor `deb` ($pkgmgr)\n";
path($profile)->spew( Cpanel::JSON::pretty_dump($data) ) if $changed;
# 2. detect any packages in the profile that do not exist on the server
my %not_on_server = ( map { !exists $server_pkgs{$_} ? ( $_ => undef ) : () } @{ $data->{pkgs} } );
# 3. remove %not_on_server from $profile->{pkgs}
$data->{pkgs} = [ grep { !exists $not_on_server{$_} } @{ $data->{pkgs} } ];
# 4. Tell them about the ones we are ignoring
my $derps = 0;
for my $derppkg ( sort keys %not_on_server ) {
warn " * Warning! ignored package: $derppkg. It is in the profile’s package list but does not exist on this server.\n";
print "\n" if $derps;
if ( $data->{pre} ) {
print "Installing prereqs …\n";
my $sys = Cpanel::PackMan->instance->sys;
$sys->install( @{ $data->{pre} } ); # apt, yum, and dnf’s `install` will install if its not installed, upgrade if its old, noop if its already the latest
$sys->cache; # this is needed in case a new package repo was put in place
print " … prereqs done!\n\n";
if ($firstinstall) {
print "The system is running in first install mode and will install the requested packages without resolving conflicts …\n";
local $@;
eval { Cpanel::PackMan->instance->sys->install( @{ $data->{pkgs} } ); };
print " … done!\n";
if ($@) {
warn "First install method failed ($@).";
warn "The system will fall back to doing a full install.";
$install = 1;
else {
return 0;
print "The system is resolving package dependencies and conflicts. This may take some time …\n";
my $resolve_method = defined &Cpanel::PackMan::resolve_multi_op_ns ? 'resolve_multi_op_ns' : 'resolve_multi_op';
my $res = Cpanel::PackMan->instance->$resolve_method( $data->{'pkgs'}, 'ea' );
for my $prefix (@addl_prefixes) {
my $prefix_res = eval { Cpanel::PackMan->instance->$resolve_method( $data->{'pkgs'}, $prefix ) };
if ($@) {
if ( $@ =~ m/Unknown namespace/ ) {
warn "!!!! Your system is not new enough to support EA4 pkg prefixes besides `ea-`, other prefixes will be left out !!\n";
else {
chomp $@;
warn "!!!! There was a problem with the additional-pkg-prefix “$prefix”, it will be left out !!\n\tError: $@\n";
for my $field (qw(uninstall unaffected upgrade install)) {
push @{ $res->{$field} }, @{ $prefix_res->{$field} };
print " … done!\n";
if ($install) {
print "Installing …\n";
my $actions = Cpanel::PackMan->instance->multi_op($res);
if ( !$actions ) {
print " … nothing to do.\n";
else {
print " … done!\n";
else {
print Dumper($res);
return 0;
sub _normalize_pkg_for_ubuntu {
my ($pkg) = @_;
$pkg =~ s/_/-/g;
return $pkg;
sub _normalize_pkg_for_rhel {
my ( $orig_pkg, $server_pkgs_hr ) = @_;
# Short-circuit if there is an exact match:
return $orig_pkg if exists $server_pkgs_hr->{$orig_pkg};
my $pkg = $orig_pkg;
my $prefix = 'ea-apache24-mod';
if ( $pkg =~ m/^($prefix)(.*)/ ) {
my $name = $2;
$name =~ s/-/_/g; # Apache module packages tend to use underscores, so start with that.
$pkg = $prefix . $name;
# If that also fails, search through the entire list:
if ( !exists $server_pkgs_hr->{$pkg} ) {
my $re_pkg = $prefix . ( $name =~ s/_/[-_]/gr );
my @results = grep { m/^$re_pkg$/ } keys %$server_pkgs_hr;
$pkg = $results[0] if scalar @results > 0;
warn "!!!! Multiple inexact matches for '$orig_pkg' when treating underscores and dashes as equivalent; using '$pkg'!" if scalar @results > 1;
return $pkg;
exit( script(@ARGV) ) unless caller();