* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/xferpoint |
# cpanel - scripts/xferpoint Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
use cPstrict;
use Cpanel::AcctUtils::Account ();
use Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Tiny ();
use Cpanel::Hostname ();
use Cpanel::Validate::IP::v4 ();
use Whostmgr::Transfers::Utils::XferPoint::Params ();
our $VERSION = '0.6';
if ( $ARGV[0] eq '--version' ) {
print "VERSION: $VERSION\n";
my $params_obj = Whostmgr::Transfers::Utils::XferPoint::Params->new(@ARGV);
my $user = $params_obj->username();
my $sourceip = $params_obj->sourceip();
my $destip = $params_obj->destip();
my $domain = $params_obj->domain();
my $shared_ip = $params_obj->sharedip();
my @nameservers = $params_obj->nameservers();
my $hostname = Cpanel::Hostname::gethostname();
if ( !$user || !$sourceip || !$destip || !$domain || !$shared_ip ) {
die "Usage: $0 user sourceip destip domain sharedip [flagsnum] [nameserver1 nameserver2 ...]";
if ( !Cpanel::AcctUtils::Account::accountexists($user) ) {
die "The user '$user' doesn't exist.\n";
foreach my $ip ( $sourceip, $destip, $shared_ip ) {
next if $ip eq -1;
if ( !Cpanel::Validate::IP::v4::is_valid_ipv4($ip) ) {
die "'$ip' is not a valid ip.\n";
if ( !Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Tiny::validdomainname($domain) ) {
die "'$domain' is not valid as a domain name.\n";
if ( @nameservers && scalar @nameservers < 2 ) {
die "There must be at least two nameservers given.\n";
print "[xferpoint] server:$hostname user:$user\n";
# Live Transfer mode obviates the need to block dynamic content.
# With “Express Transfer” mode, though--which is still available via the
# API--we still need to do the blocking. Since we don’t have an argument
# to this script that indicates whether we’re in Express or Live mode,
# we query the system state to determine whether a service proxy was
# set up for HTTP or not.
if ( $params_obj->skip_dynamic_block() ) {
print "[xferpoint] Per request, skipping creation of dynamic content block.\n";
else {
print "[xferpoint] Blocking dynamic content …\n";
system '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/xfertool', '--blockdynamiccontent', $user;
if ( -x '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/swapip' ) {
print "[xferpoint] Updating IP addresses in DNS …\n";
system '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/swapip', $sourceip, $destip, $shared_ip, $domain;
if (@nameservers) {
print "[xferpoint] Setting nameservers (@nameservers) …\n";
foreach my $dns (@nameservers) {
if ( !Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Tiny::validdomainname($dns) ) {
die "$dns is not valid.\n";
system '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/xfertool', '--changenameservers', $user, @nameservers;
else {
print "[xferpoint] not updating nameservers (none provided)\n";
print "[xferpoint] complete\n";