* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/whoowns |
package scripts::whoowns;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long ();
use IO::Handle ();
our $USERDOMAINS = '/etc/userdomains';
exit script( \*STDOUT, @ARGV ) unless caller;
sub script {
my ( $fh, @args ) = @_;
my $help;
'help' => \$help
) or return usage(2);
return usage(0) if $help;
return usage(2) unless @args;
my $found;
my $domain = $args[0] =~ s{^https?://([^/]+)/?.*$}{$1}r;
if ( open( my $ud, '<', $USERDOMAINS ) ) {
while (<$ud>) {
if (/^\Q$domain\E: (\S+)/i) {
$found = 1;
return $found ? 0 : 1;
sub usage {
my ($retval) = @_;
my $fh = $retval ? \*STDERR : \*STDOUT;
Prints the user that owns the given domain, if any. If a URL is given instead,
looks for the user owning the domain specified in the URL. Only HTTP and HTTPS
URLs are accepted.
Exits 0 if the user is found, 1 if not, and 2 on error.
return $retval;