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Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/transfer_accounts_as_root |
# cpanel - scripts/transfer_accounts_as_root Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
package scripts::transfer_accounts_as_root;
use cPstrict;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 USAGE
transfer_accounts_as_root --host=the.source --user=hank
This utility transfers one or more accounts from a remote server
to the local one.
The parameters are:
=item * C<--host> - The remote (source) hostname or IP address. Required.
=item * C<--user> - The name of a user to transfer. May be given multiple times.
=item * C<--sshkey> - (optional) The name of the C<root> user’s SSH key to use
to log in on the remote server. This takes the place of password authentication.
=item * C<--session> - (optional) An argument, in C<key=value> format, to give
to the C<create_remote_root_transfer_session> API call. May be given 0 or more times.
=item * C<--enqueue> - (optional) An argument, in C<key=value> format, to give
to the C<enqueue_transfer_item> API call. May be given 0 or more times.
This script supports the following authentications:
=item * Password for C<root>, given on STDIN.
=item * SSH key for C<root>, named as the C<--sshkey> argument. The
key’s passphrase is given on STDIN.
This script is a simple interface to WHM’s account-transfer APIs. As such,
it exhibits some important differences from WHM’s “Transfer Tool”:
=item * “Live Transfer” mode is B<disabled> by default. To enable it, pass
=item * By default a transfer requires either SSH access or valid TLS on
the remote (source) server. If neither is available, instruct the transfer
session to attempt invalid TLS by passing
C<--session=comm_transport=whostmgr_insecure> to this script.
=item * SSH access to the rem
=item * There are fewer “guard rails” in place. For example, as of this
writing the system will enqueue a transfer of an account that doesn’t actually
exist on the source server. (Future cPanel & WHM versions may improve on this.)
=head1 SEE ALSO
F</usr/local/cpanel/scripts/transfer_account_as_user> is like this script
but authenticates to the source server as the user.
use parent qw(
__PACKAGE__->new(@ARGV)->run() if !caller;
use constant _OPTIONS => (
sub run ($self) {
my ( $host, $usernames_ar ) = $self->parse_opts();
my $authn_username = 'root';
my ( $prompt, $prompt_var, @authn_args );
if ( my $sshkey_name = $self->getopt('sshkey') ) {
push @authn_args, ( sshkey_name => $sshkey_name );
if ( _does_key_need_passphrase($sshkey_name) ) {
$prompt = "Enter “$sshkey_name”’s passphrase:";
$prompt_var = 'sshkey_passphrase';
else {
$self->say("“$sshkey_name” is unencrypted, so no passphrase is needed.");
else {
$prompt = "Enter “$authn_username”’s password on “$host”:";
$prompt_var = 'password';
if ($prompt) {
my $secret = $self->get_secret($prompt);
push @authn_args, ( $prompt_var => $secret );
my $guard = $self->create_session_and_aborter(
user => $authn_username,
host => $host,
$self->enqueue_users( 'AccountRemoteRoot', $usernames_ar );
sub _does_key_need_passphrase ($keyname) {
require Cpanel::SSH;
my ($keys_ar) = Cpanel::SSH::_listkeys(
private => 1,
public => 0,
my $key_data_hr;
for my $key_hr (@$keys_ar) {
next if $key_hr->{'file'} ne $keyname;
$key_data_hr = $key_hr;
if ( !$key_data_hr ) {
my @keynames = sort map { $_->{'file'} } @$keys_ar;
my $msg = join(
"No key exists named “$keyname”.",
"Available keys are:",
( map { "\t• $_" } @keynames ),
die $msg;
return $key_data_hr->{'encrypted'};
# Needed for Cpanel::SSH
sub main::hasfeature {
return 1;