* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/spamassassindisable |
# cpanel - scripts/spamassassindisable Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cpanel::AccessIds::ReducedPrivileges ();
use Cpanel::Config::CpConfGuard ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::TouchFile ();
use Cpanel::LoginDefs ();
use Cpanel::PwCache::Build ();
use Cpanel::Usage ();
local $| = 1;
my $quiet = 0;
my $force = 0;
my $undo = 0;
my %opts = ( 'q' => \$quiet, 'quiet' => \$quiet, 'f' => \$force, 'force' => \$force, 'undo' => \$undo );
Cpanel::Usage::wrap_options( \@ARGV, \&usage, \%opts );
unless ($quiet) {
print "??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????\n";
print "This will disable SpamAssassin filtering for all accounts\n";
print "on the server. If you do not wish to do this, then hit Ctrl-C now.\n";
print "??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????\n\n";
unless ($force) {
print "Sleeping for 5 seconds ... (Ctrl-C to abort)\n";
sleep 5;
my $pwcache_ref = Cpanel::PwCache::Build::fetch_pwcache();
my $uid_min = Cpanel::LoginDefs::get_uid_min();
my ( $useruid, $usergid, $homedir );
foreach my $pwref ( grep { $_->[2] >= $uid_min } @{$pwcache_ref} ) {
( $useruid, $usergid, $homedir ) = ( ( @{$pwref} )[ 2, 3, 7 ] );
# Drop privileges to read/write the directory as the user
my $reduced_privs_guard = Cpanel::AccessIds::ReducedPrivileges->new(
$useruid, $usergid,
if ($undo) {
my $old_touchfile = $homedir . '/.spamassassinboxdisabled';
my $new_touchfile = $homedir . '/.spamassassinboxenable';
replace_touchfile( $old_touchfile, $new_touchfile, $quiet );
$old_touchfile = $homedir . '/.spamassassindisabled';
$new_touchfile = $homedir . '/.spamassassinenable';
replace_touchfile( $old_touchfile, $new_touchfile, $quiet );
else {
my $old_touchfile = $homedir . '/.spamassassinboxenable';
my $new_touchfile = $homedir . '/.spamassassinboxdisabled';
replace_touchfile( $old_touchfile, $new_touchfile, $quiet );
$old_touchfile = $homedir . '/.spamassassinenable';
$new_touchfile = $homedir . '/.spamassassindisabled';
replace_touchfile( $old_touchfile, $new_touchfile, $quiet );
exit if $undo;
unless ($quiet) {
print "Updating /var/cpanel/cpanel.config\n";
my $cpconf_guard = Cpanel::Config::CpConfGuard->new();
$cpconf_guard->{'data'}->{'skipspamassassin'} = 1;
$cpconf_guard->{'data'}->{'skipspambox'} = 1;
sub replace_touchfile {
my ( $old_touchfile, $new_touchfile, $quiet ) = @_;
if ( -e $old_touchfile ) {
unless ($quiet) {
print "Creating $new_touchfile\n";
print "Unlinking $old_touchfile\n";
if ( !-e $new_touchfile ) {
sub usage {
print <<EOM;
spamassassindisable - disable spamassassin for all accounts
--force bypass 5 second sleep
--quiet do not provide any output on STDOUT
--help display this message and exit
--undo re-enable spamassassin for all the users for which this has been disabled by this script
The force and quiet are useful when running this
script as a part of an automated process (e.g. cron).