* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/spamassassin_dbm_cleaner |
# cpanel - scripts/spamassassin_dbm_cleaner Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
use Cpanel::Rlimit ();
use Cpanel::PwCache::Helpers ();
use Cpanel::PwCache::Build ();
use Cpanel::AccessIds::SetUids ();
use Cpanel::PwCache ();
use Cpanel::LoginDefs ();
use DB_File ();
use strict;
my $VERSION = '1.0';
my $MAX_MEMORY_ALLOWED = 134217728; #128M Allowed for dbsize + this perlcode, We allow 256M for spamd+dbs+email
my $MAX_DB_SIZE = ( 1024 * 1024 * 96 ); #96M is the max size before spamd falls apart
print "$0: version $VERSION\n";
my $canary = '--cpanel_sa_test_key';
my $pwcache_ref;
if ( !$ARGV[0] ) {
Cpanel::PwCache::Helpers::no_uid_cache(); #uid cache only needed if we are going to make lots of getpwuid calls
$pwcache_ref = Cpanel::PwCache::Build::fetch_pwcache();
else {
my $user = $ARGV[0];
my @pw_data = Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam($user);
if ( !$pw_data[0] ) {
die "Usage: $0 [user]";
$pwcache_ref = [ \@pw_data ];
print "Checking SpamAssassin dbm databases....";
my ( $ok_count, $broken_count, $user_count );
my $now = time();
my $uid_min = Cpanel::LoginDefs::get_uid_min();
my ( $user, $uid, $gid, $homedir );
foreach my $pwref ( grep { $_->[2] >= $uid_min } @$pwcache_ref ) {
( $user, $uid, $gid, $homedir ) = ( (@$pwref)[ 0, 2, 3, 7 ] );
if ( $homedir ne '/' && -e $homedir . '/.spamassassin' ) {
my ( $ok_files, $broken_files ) = _test_sa_dbm_files( $user, $uid, $gid, $homedir );
$ok_count += scalar @$ok_files if $ok_files;
$broken_count += scalar @$broken_files if $broken_files;
if ( $broken_files && @$broken_files ) {
if ( my $pid = fork() ) {
waitpid( $pid, 0 );
else {
Cpanel::AccessIds::SetUids::setuids( $uid, $gid )
|| die "Failed to setuid to $user";
foreach my $file_data_ref (@$broken_files) {
print "\n\t$user: $file_data_ref->{'file'} has problem: $file_data_ref->{'error'}. Moving to $file_data_ref->{'file'}.broken.$now";
print "\n" if $broken_count;
print "Done\n";
print "Checked " . ( $ok_count + $broken_count ) . " files for $user_count user(s), $ok_count ok, $broken_count broken\n";
sub _test_sa_dbm_files {
my ( $user, $uid, $gid, $homedir ) = @_;
my $test_files = _get_matching_files(
my ( $test_canary, $file, $data, $error );
my ( @ok_files, @broken_files );
@$test_files = grep( !/_journal/, @$test_files ); #special journal file
return if !@$test_files;
my $loop_count = 0;
while ( @$test_files && ++$loop_count <= 5 ) {
my $readpid = open( my $child_rdr, '-|' );
if ($readpid) {
while (<$child_rdr>) {
next if !$_;
( $test_canary, $file, $data, $error ) = split( /:/, $_, 4 );
if ( $test_canary eq $canary ) {
if ($file) {
@$test_files = grep { $_ ne $file } @$test_files;
if ( $data eq 'ok' ) {
push @ok_files, { 'file' => $file, 'status' => 1 };
else {
push @broken_files,
'file' => $file,
'status' => 0,
'error' => "$data:$error"
else {
print STDERR "Error from child process for $user: $_\n";
#print "DEBUG: $_\n";;
else {
Cpanel::AccessIds::SetUids::setuids( $uid, $gid )
|| die "Failed to setuid to $user";
while ( my $test_file = pop(@$test_files) ) {
print "\n";
my %test_hash;
print "${canary}:$test_file:";
if ( ( stat($test_file) )[7] > $MAX_DB_SIZE ) {
print "toobig:database too large:\n";
elsif ( my $result = tie %test_hash, 'DB_File', $test_file, &DB_File::O_RDONLY ) {
print "ok\n";
untie %test_hash;
else {
print "failed:$!:$result\n";
print "\n";
return ( \@ok_files, \@broken_files );
# From pkgacct
sub _get_matching_files {
my $dir = shift;
my $regex = shift;
my $compiled_regex;
eval { $compiled_regex = qr/$regex/; };
if ( !$compiled_regex ) {
print "Failed to compile regex $regex\n";
my $dot_files_regex = qr/^\.\.?$/;
opendir( my $dir_h, $dir );
my @files =
map { "$dir/$_" }
grep { $_ !~ $dot_files_regex && $_ =~ $compiled_regex } readdir($dir_h);
return \@files;