* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/set_php_memory_limits |
# cpanel - scripts/set_php_memory_limits Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
package scripts::set_php_memory_limits;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long ();
use Cpanel::Sys::Hardware::Memory ();
use Whostmgr::API::1::Lang::PHP ();
use Cpanel::Imports;
use Data::Dumper;
our $gsw_message_dir = '/var/cpanel/gsw_messages';
our $message_caller_depth = 1;
exit( run(@ARGV) ) if !caller();
sub run {
my @args = @_;
my ( $run, $gsw );
"run" => \$run,
"gsw" => \$gsw,
if ( not( $run or $gsw ) ) {
die qq{Must pass "--run" flag to execute script.\nThis script will adjust the memory_limit setting for all cPanel PHPs installed in /opt/cpanel/ to a reasonable setting based on the servers available memory.\n};
# We want to raise the PHP memory_limit if possible in regards to the amount of installed memory they have on the system
my $installed_memory = eval { Cpanel::Sys::Hardware::Memory::get_installed(); };
my ( $mid_mem, $high_mem ) = qw( 2000 4000 );
my $set_memory;
if ( $installed_memory < $mid_mem ) {
$set_memory = '32M';
elsif ( ( $installed_memory >= $mid_mem ) && ( $installed_memory < $high_mem ) ) {
$set_memory = '64M';
elsif ( $installed_memory >= $high_mem ) {
$set_memory = '128M';
eval {
my $installed_versions = Whostmgr::API::1::Lang::PHP::php_get_installed_versions();
my $bytes = $installed_memory * 1024 * 1024; # Cpanel::Sys::Hardware::Memory is MiB
if ($gsw) {
"[% locale.maketext('We changed the webserver’s PHP “[output,strong,_1]” directive to “[_2]” to better support your server’s [format_bytes,_3] of memory.', 'memory_limit', '$set_memory', '$bytes') %]\n",
"[% locale.maketext('You can change it at anytime via the [output,url,_1,MultiPHP INI Editor in WHM,target,_blank].', '../scripts2/multiphp_ini_editor') %]\n"
foreach my $php_version ( @{ $installed_versions->{versions} } ) {
my $metadata = {};
Whostmgr::API::1::Lang::PHP::php_ini_set_directives( { version => $php_version, directive => "memory_limit:$set_memory" }, $metadata );
logger->info("The memory limit for $php_version has been set to $set_memory based on the servers installed memory ($installed_memory MiB)");
if ( !$metadata->{'result'} ) {
logger->error("There was a problem setting the memory_limit in your php.ini files.\n");
return 0;
sub create_gsw_message {
my ( $name, @lines ) = @_;
# check for non words
if ( $name =~ /\W/ ) {
logger->warn("'$name' is not valid as a GSW message filename.\n");
# create the directory for custom Getting Started Wizard message tt files
if ( !-e $gsw_message_dir ) {
mkdir $gsw_message_dir, 0755;
if ( open( my $fh, ">", "$gsw_message_dir/$name.tt" ) ) {
foreach my $line (@lines) { # concat anything passed into the subroutine.
print {$fh} $line;
close $fh;
else {
logger->warn("Could not write to GSW message directory: $!");
return 1;