* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/primary_virtual_host_migration |
# cpanel - scripts/primary_virtual_host_migration Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
# NOTE: This script recreates the primary_virtual_hosts.conf file from
# httpd.conf. THIS IS BACKWARDS from the normal order of things; ordinarily,
# we rebuild httpd.conf from primary_virtual_hosts.conf (and userdata);
# however, this script is around for migration and repair.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cpanel::Locale ();
use Cpanel::Config::Httpd::IpPort ();
use Cpanel::HttpUtils::Vhosts::Primary ();
use Cpanel::HttpUtils::Vhosts::Primary::Extract ();
sub script {
my $pvh_file = $Cpanel::ConfigFiles::APACHE_PRIMARY_VHOSTS_FILE;
if ( -f $pvh_file && !-z _ ) {
my $locale = Cpanel::Locale->get_handle();
die $locale->maketext(
'The primary virtual hosts file ([_1]) already exists. If you really want to rebuild this file from [asis,Apache]’s configuration, you must delete this file first. [output,strong,Unless you are doing a migration or a repair~, however~, this is probably not what you want to do.] Ordinarily, [asis,Apache]’s configuration is built from the primary virtual hosts file, not the other way around.',
my $primary_obj = Cpanel::HttpUtils::Vhosts::Primary->new();
my ( $ok, $primary_hr ) = Cpanel::HttpUtils::Vhosts::Primary::Extract::extract_primary_vhosts_from_apache_conf();
die $primary_hr if !$ok;
my $ssl_port = Cpanel::Config::Httpd::IpPort::get_ssl_httpd_port();
for my $ip_port ( keys %$primary_hr ) {
my ( $ip, $port ) = split m{:}, $ip_port;
next if $ip eq '*';
if ( $port eq $ssl_port ) {
$primary_obj->set_primary_ssl_servername( $ip, $primary_hr->{$ip_port} );
else {
$primary_obj->set_primary_non_ssl_servername( $ip, $primary_hr->{$ip_port} );
my ( $save_ok, $save_msg ) = $primary_obj->save();
die $save_msg if !$save_ok;
my ( $close_ok, $close_msg ) = $primary_obj->close();
die $close_msg if !$close_ok;
__PACKAGE__->script(@ARGV) if !caller;