* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/mysqlpasswd |
# cpanel - scripts/mysqlpasswd Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
package scripts::mysqlpasswd;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Connect ();
use Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Quote ();
use Cpanel::MysqlUtils::MyCnf::Basic ();
use Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Compat::Password ();
use Cpanel::ServerTasks ();
if ( $> != 0 ) {
die "Setting MySQL passwords is only possible using the root account\n";
if ( !caller() ) {
my ( $_user, $_pass, $_userhost );
if ( grep( /--multistdin/, @ARGV ) ) {
$_user = <STDIN>;
$_pass = <STDIN>;
$_userhost = <STDIN>;
elsif ( !@ARGV ) {
chomp( my $up = <STDIN> );
my @UP = split( / /, $up );
$_user = $UP[0];
$_pass = $UP[1];
$_userhost = $UP[2];
else {
$_user = $ARGV[0];
$_pass = $ARGV[1];
$_userhost = $ARGV[2];
if ( !$_user ) { print STDERR "$0: user is blank\n"; exit 1; }
if ( !$_pass ) { print STDERR "$0: pass is blank\n"; exit 1; }
exit __PACKAGE__->script( $_user, $_pass, $_userhost );
sub script {
my ( $class, $user, $pass, $userhost ) = @_;
die "Need user!\n" if !length $user;
die "Need pass!\n" if !length $pass;
my $quoted_user;
if ( $user eq 'root' ) {
my $dbuser = Cpanel::MysqlUtils::MyCnf::Basic::getmydbuser('root') || 'root';
$quoted_user = Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Quote::quote($dbuser);
else {
$quoted_user = Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Quote::quote($user);
my $quoted_pass = Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Quote::quote($pass);
my $quoted_userhost = Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Quote::quote($userhost);
my $cpuser = $user;
if ( $user ne 'root' ) {
require Cpanel::DB::Map::Utils;
$cpuser = Cpanel::DB::Map::Utils::get_cpuser_for_engine_dbuser( 'MYSQL', $user );
if ( !set_mysql_password_via_dbi( $quoted_user, $quoted_pass, ( length $userhost ? $quoted_userhost : () ) ) ) {
return 1;
if ( $user eq 'root' ) {
require Cpanel::MysqlUtils::RootPassword;
elsif ($cpuser) {
# We do not store grants for root, and this will
# throw in queueprocd if we try.
return 0;
sub set_mysql_password_via_dbi {
my ( $quoted_user, $quoted_pass, $quoted_userhost ) = @_;
my $dbi = Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Connect::get_dbi_handle();
my $reset_password_sql = Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Compat::Password::get_set_user_password_sql(
dbh => $dbi,
quoted_user => $quoted_user,
quoted_password => $quoted_pass,
( length $quoted_userhost ? ( quoted_host => $quoted_userhost ) : () )
return _do_client( $reset_password_sql, $dbi );
# For tests
sub _do_client {
my ( $reset_password_sql, $dbi ) = @_;
# We used to do this via the “mysql” binary, but now that
# we can use DBI directly we should do that. Moreover, it’s
# necessary insofar as @$reset_password_sql might have stuff
# like procedure definitions, which break if given directly to
# the “mysql” binary. (See Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Compat::Password
# and COBRA-7290.)
my $ok = eval {
foreach my $query (@$reset_password_sql) {
$dbi->do($query) if ( length $query );
if ( !$ok ) {
warn "Failed to set password via client: $@";
return 0;
return 1;
sub queue_dbstoregrants {
my $cpuser = shift;
return Cpanel::ServerTasks::queue_task( ['MysqlTasks'], "dbstoregrants $cpuser" );