* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/mailperm |
# cpanel - scripts/mailperm Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
package scripts::mailperm;
use strict;
use Digest::MD5 ();
use Getopt::Long ();
use IO::Handle ();
use Try::Tiny;
use Cpanel::PwCache::Helpers ();
use Cpanel::PwCache::Build ();
use Cpanel::Exim ();
use Cpanel::Signal ();
use Cpanel::SafeFind ();
use Cpanel::Logger ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::TouchFile ();
use Cpanel::Rlimit ();
use Cpanel::AccessIds::ReducedPrivileges ();
use Cpanel::PwCache ();
use Cpanel::Config::LoadUserDomains ();
use Cpanel::ConfigFiles ();
use Cpanel::Email::MX ();
use Cpanel::Email::Perms ();
use Cpanel::Email::Perms::System ();
use Cpanel::Email::Perms::User ();
use Cpanel::MailTools::DBS ();
use Cpanel::LoginDefs ();
use Cpanel::Config::LoadConfig ();
my $logger = Cpanel::Logger->new();
my $maildir_files_to_skip_re = join '|', @MAILDIR_FILES_TO_SKIP;
exit main(@ARGV) unless caller;
sub main {
my (@args) = @_;
local $@;
my $verbose = 0;
my $skiplocal = 0;
my $skipmxcheck = 0;
my $skipperm = 0;
my $dirsonly = 0;
my $no_restart_cpsrvd = 0;
my $help = 0;
# Argument processing
my %arg_ops = (
'help' => \$help,
'verbose' => \$verbose,
'skiplocaldomains' => \$skiplocal,
'skipmxcheck' => \$skipmxcheck,
'skipserverperm' => \$skipperm,
'dirsonly' => \$dirsonly,
'no-restart-cpsrvd' => \$no_restart_cpsrvd,
) or return _usage(1);
return _usage(0) if $help;
my %opts = map { $_ => ${ $arg_ops{$_} } } keys %arg_ops;
if (@args) {
$opts{'checkuser'} = $args[-1];
my ( $status, $message ) = eval { __PACKAGE__->script(%opts) };
if ($@) {
print "$@\n";
return 1;
return 0 if $status;
if ($message) {
print STDERR $message . "\n";
return 1;
sub script {
my ( $class, %OPTS ) = @_;
my ( $checkuser, $skiplocal, $skipmxcheck, $skipperm, $dirsonly, $verbose ) = @OPTS{qw( checkuser skiplocaldomains skipmxcheck skipserverperm dirsonly verbose)};
return 1 if ( $ENV{'DONT_RUN_MAILPERM'} );
my $pidfile = '/var/run/mailperms.pid';
my $is_global = 0;
my $previous_command_name = $0;
if ($checkuser) {
if ( !( Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam($checkuser) )[0] ) {
warn "!! Specified user is not a valid system account !!\n\n";
return ( 0, "The specified user '$checkuser' is not a valid system account" );
$0 = 'mailperm - single user';
else {
$is_global = 1;
$0 = 'mailperm - global';
require Cpanel::Unix::PID::Tiny;
my $upid = Cpanel::Unix::PID::Tiny->new();
if ( !$upid->pid_file($pidfile) ) {
my $pid = $upid->get_pid_from_pidfile($pidfile);
$logger->warn("mailperm - previous instance: [$pid]");
$0 = $previous_command_name;
return ( 0, 'Another mailperm instance is running' );
my ( $exim_bin, $exim_version, $exim_caps ) = Cpanel::Exim::fetch_caps();
my $needs_mail_gid_shadow = ( $exim_caps->{'dovecot'} ) ? 0 : 1;
$Cpanel::Email::Perms::VERBOSE = $verbose;
my $changed_external_auth = 0;
# Signal cpsrvd to reload its config.
# do not restart cpsrvd on a fresh install ( cpsrvd is running but is restarted later )
# this avoids to solve continuously "perl dependencies issues" in the exim rpm
Cpanel::Signal::send_hup_cpsrvd() if $changed_external_auth && !$OPTS{'no-restart-cpsrvd'};
if ( !$skipperm ) {
require '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/checkexim.pl'; ## no critic qw(RequireBarewordIncludes)
chmod( 0666, '/dev/null' );
_update_local_domains( 'checkuser' => $checkuser, 'skipmxcheck' => $skipmxcheck, 'verbose' => $verbose ) if !$skiplocal;
_set_perms( 'checkuser' => $checkuser, 'dirsonly' => $dirsonly, 'verbose' => $verbose, 'is_global' => $is_global ) if !$skipperm;
chmod( 0666, '/dev/null' );
$0 = $previous_command_name;
return 1;
sub _update_local_domains {
my (%OPTS) = @_;
my ( $checkuser, $skipmxcheck, $verbose ) = @OPTS{qw( checkuser skipmxcheck verbose )};
my $localdomains_ref = Cpanel::Config::LoadConfig::loadConfig( $Cpanel::ConfigFiles::LOCALDOMAINS_FILE, undef, '' );
my $remotedomains_ref = Cpanel::Config::LoadConfig::loadConfig( $Cpanel::ConfigFiles::REMOTEDOMAINS_FILE, undef, '' );
my $secondarymx_ref = Cpanel::Config::LoadConfig::loadConfig( $Cpanel::ConfigFiles::SECONDARYMX_FILE, undef, '' );
my $userdomains_ref = Cpanel::Config::LoadUserDomains::loaduserdomains( undef, 1 );
my %missing_domains;
require Cpanel::Hostname;
my $hostname = Cpanel::Hostname::gethostname();
$userdomains_ref->{$hostname} = 1;
foreach my $domain ( keys %{$userdomains_ref} ) {
if ( !exists $localdomains_ref->{$domain} && !exists $remotedomains_ref->{$domain} ) {
$missing_domains{$domain} = 1;
if ( !$skipmxcheck ) {
require Whostmgr::DNS::MX;
foreach my $domain ( sort keys %{$userdomains_ref} ) {
next if ( $domain =~ m/^\*/ );
my $user = $userdomains_ref->{$domain};
next if ( !$user || $user eq 'root' || ( $checkuser && $checkuser ne $user ) );
print "Checking mx configuration for $domain ($user)..." if $verbose;
my $alwaysaccept = Cpanel::Email::MX::get_mxcheck_configuration( $domain, $user );
print "[$alwaysaccept]..." if $verbose;
# We need to update proxysubdomains here because nothing else
# will be doing it for us
if ( $alwaysaccept eq 'local'
&& ( !exists $localdomains_ref->{$domain} || exists $remotedomains_ref->{$domain} || exists $secondarymx_ref->{$domain} ) ) {
Cpanel::MailTools::DBS::setup( $domain, 'localdomains' => 1, 'remotedomains' => 0, 'secondarymx' => 0, 'update_proxy_subdomains' => 1 );
elsif (( $alwaysaccept eq 'secondary' || $alwaysaccept eq 'backup' )
&& ( exists $localdomains_ref->{$domain} || !exists $remotedomains_ref->{$domain} || !exists $secondarymx_ref->{$domain} ) ) {
Cpanel::MailTools::DBS::setup( $domain, 'localdomains' => 0, 'remotedomains' => 1, 'secondarymx' => 1, 'update_proxy_subdomains' => 1 );
elsif ( $alwaysaccept eq 'remote'
&& ( exists $localdomains_ref->{$domain} || !exists $remotedomains_ref->{$domain} || exists $secondarymx_ref->{$domain} ) ) {
Cpanel::MailTools::DBS::setup( $domain, 'localdomains' => 0, 'remotedomains' => 1, 'secondarymx' => 0, 'update_proxy_subdomains' => 1 );
elsif ( $missing_domains{$domain} ) {
no warnings 'once';
my $checkmx = Whostmgr::DNS::MX::checkmx( $domain, undef, $alwaysaccept, $Whostmgr::DNS::MX::NO_UPDATEUSERDOMAINS, $Whostmgr::DNS::MX::DO_UPDATE_PROXY_SUBDOMAINS );
print "Done\n" if $verbose;
else {
foreach my $domain ( keys %missing_domains ) {
Cpanel::MailTools::DBS::setup( $domain, 'localdomains' => 1, 'remotedomains' => 0, 'secondarymx' => 0, 'update_proxy_subdomains' => 1 );
sub _set_perms { ## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitExcessComplexity)
my (%OPTS) = @_;
my $checkuser = $OPTS{'checkuser'};
my $dirsonly = $OPTS{'dirsonly'} ? 1 : 0;
my $verbose = $OPTS{'verbose'} ? 1 : 0;
my $is_global = $OPTS{'is_global'} || 0;
my $mailgid = ( Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam('mail') )[3];
my $pwcache_ref;
if ($checkuser) {
my @pw_data = Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam($checkuser);
$pwcache_ref = [ \@pw_data ];
else {
Cpanel::PwCache::Helpers::no_uid_cache(); #uid cache only needed if we are going to make lots of getpwuid calls
$pwcache_ref = Cpanel::PwCache::Build::fetch_pwcache();
Cpanel::SafeFind::find( sub { }, '/dev/null' ); #init File::Find
my $userdomains_ref = Cpanel::Config::LoadUserDomains::loaduserdomains( undef, 0, 1 );
my $uid_min = Cpanel::LoginDefs::get_uid_min();
my ( $cpuser, $useruid, $usergid, $homedir );
foreach my $pwref ( sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } grep { exists $userdomains_ref->{ $_->[0] } && $_->[2] >= $uid_min } @$pwcache_ref ) {
( $cpuser, $useruid, $usergid, $homedir ) = ( (@$pwref)[ 0, 2, 3, 7 ] );
next if ( $checkuser && $cpuser ne $checkuser );
if ( !$useruid || !$usergid || !$homedir ) {
warn "Skipping invalid user $cpuser";
if ( exists $userdomains_ref->{$cpuser} ) {
foreach my $domain ( @{ $userdomains_ref->{$cpuser} } ) {
Cpanel::Email::Perms::System::ensure_domain_system_perms( $useruid, $domain );
if ( -e "$homedir/mail" || -e "$homedir/etc" ) {
sub {
local $0 = 'mailperm - ' . ( $is_global ? 'global ' : '' ) . 'processing ' . $cpuser;
my ( $mode, $fuid, $fgid, $safefile );
'wanted' => sub {
return if ( !$File::Find::name || -l $File::Find::name );
( $mode, $fuid, $fgid ) = ( stat(_) )[ 2, 4, 5 ];
($safefile) = $File::Find::name =~ /(.*)/;
if ( $fuid != $useruid || ( $fgid != $usergid && $fgid != $mailgid ) ) {
my $changed = chown( $useruid, $usergid, $safefile );
if ($verbose) {
if ($changed) {
print "Fixed ownership on $File::Find::name: was ($fuid:$fgid), now ($useruid:$usergid)\n";
else {
print "Unable to fix ownership on $File::Find::name: currently ($fuid:$fgid), should be ($useruid:$usergid)\n";
if ( $File::Find::name =~ m/\/(?:$maildir_files_to_skip_re)$/
|| $File::Find::name =~ m/\.cppop\.cache(?:\.msgs)?$/ );
( $mode, my $want ) = map { sprintf '%04o', $_ & 07777 } $mode, $Cpanel::Email::Perms::MAILDIR_PERMS;
if ( -d _ ) {
# All dirs must now be 0751 with dovecot 2.2.
# in order to avoid:
# "Renaming not supported across conflicting directory permissions."
if ( $mode ne $want ) { #all of these are ok
my $changed = chmod( $Cpanel::Email::Perms::MAILDIR_PERMS, $safefile );
if ($verbose) {
if ($changed) {
print "Fixed permissions on $File::Find::name : was ($mode), now ($want)\n";
else {
print "Unable to fix permissions on $File::Find::name : currently ($mode), should be ($want)\n";
if ( $dirsonly && $safefile =~ m{\/\.[^\/]+\/[^\/]+$} ) {
no warnings 'once';
return ( $File::Find::prune = 1 );
#NOTE: Until 11.54 this was 0660. Cobra
#couldn’t think of any reason why anyone
#but the user should be modifying the home
#directory, though, so we changed it to 0640.
elsif ( !$dirsonly && $mode ne '0640' ) {
my $changed = chmod( 0640, $safefile );
if ($verbose) {
if ($changed) {
print "Fixed permissions on $File::Find::name: was ($mode), now (0640)\n";
else {
print "Unable to fix permissions on $File::Find::name: currently ($mode), should be (0640)\n";
'follow' => 0,
'no_chdir' => 1
$homedir . '/mail'
return 1;
|| do {
warn "Could not setuid to $cpuser ($useruid,$usergid + $mailgid)";
try {
catch {
warn $_;
else {
print "Skipping $homedir (etc and mail missing)\n";
sub _usage {
my ($retval) = @_;
my $fh = $retval ? \*STDERR : \*STDOUT;
Usage: mailperm <modifier> <user>
<user> - Optional argument to specify the scope of
the permissions checks. The specified user must
be a valid system account.
Modifier Flags:
--skiplocaldomains - This optional argument bypasses
addition of missing domains to the /etc/localdomains
file when specified. The localdomains file specifies
to Exim that it should always accept delivery for
the listed domains. Remote domains are removed from
/etc/localdomains regardless of this flag.
--skipmxcheck - This optional argument bypasses synchronizing
the mail exchanger setting from the cpanel users file to the
--dirsonly - This optional flag limits setting permissions
to only modifying directories.
NOTE: The “maildirsize” files are always fixed if needed.
--skipserverperm - This optional flag prevents modification
of the mail system files used by Exim and limits the
scope of permission modifications to the mail account
--verbose - This optional flag signals the utility to
report detected permissions problems per user prior
to modifying any permissions.
--help - display this message and exit.
return $retval;