* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/importmydnsdb |
# cpanel - scripts/importmydnsdb Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
use strict;
use Cpanel::DNSLib::MydnsDb ();
use Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Tiny ();
use Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Connect ();
use Cpanel::NameServer::Conf::Mydns ();
use Cpanel::NameServer::Utils::MyDNS ();
use Cpanel::PID ();
use Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors ();
use Cpanel::Usage ();
use Cpanel::NameServer::Utils::MyDNS::DB ();
use Try::Tiny;
my ( $force, $debug );
Cpanel::Usage::wrap_options( \@ARGV, \&usage, { 'force' => \$force, 'debug' => \$debug } );
if ( $> != 0 ) {
print STDERR "$0: must run as root\n";
exit 1;
my @messages = ();
my $pid_obj = Cpanel::PID->new( { 'pid_file' => '/var/run/importmydnsdb.pid' } );
unless ( $pid_obj->create_pid_file() > 0 ) {
push @messages, "Importmydnsdb appears to be running already.";
push @messages, "Please wait for the import to finish before attempting another.";
action => "already_running",
result => "failure"
exit 1;
# perform a sanitfy check and try to repair if possible
my ( $mydns_is_sanitize, $message ) = Cpanel::NameServer::Utils::MyDNS::DB::sanity_check();
unless ($mydns_is_sanitize) {
push @messages, "Errors have been detected with the MyDNS configuration, trying to repair";
( $mydns_is_sanitize, $message ) = Cpanel::NameServer::Utils::MyDNS::DB::sanity_check();
unless ($mydns_is_sanitize) {
push @messages, "Cannot repair your MyDNS configuration, please reinstall it";
action => "cannot_repair",
result => "failure"
exit 1;
push @messages, "MyDNS configuration repaired successfully";
my $namedconf_obj = Cpanel::NameServer::Conf::Mydns->new();
my $bind_dir = $namedconf_obj->{'config'}->{'zonedir'};
my $dbh;
try {
$dbh = Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Connect::get_dbi_handle( 'extra_args' => { 'PrintError' => 0 } );
catch {
action => "cannot_connect_to_database",
result => "failure",
additional_parameters => {
error_details => $_,
exit 1;
my $settings_ref = $namedconf_obj->{'dns_settings'};
my $soa_table = $settings_ref->{'database'} . '.' . $settings_ref->{'soa-table'};
my $dns_db = $namedconf_obj->{'dns_db'};
my $get_zones_query = qq {
SELECT origin FROM $soa_table
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($get_zones_query);
unless ($sth) {
action => "cannot_get_zones",
result => "failure",
additional_parameters => { error_details => $dbh->errstr }
exit 1;
unless ( eval { $sth->execute() } ) {
action => "cannot_get_zones",
result => "failure",
additional_parameters => { error_details => $dbh->errstr }
exit 1;
my %existing_zones = ();
while ( my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
$data->{'origin'} =~ s/\.$//;
$existing_zones{ $data->{'origin'} } = 1;
my $zone_dh;
unless ( opendir $zone_dh, $bind_dir ) {
action => "cannot_read_zone_file",
result => "failure",
additional_parameters => {
zone_file_dir => $bind_dir,
error_details => scalar $!
exit 1;
my @zonedir_contents = readdir($zone_dh);
closedir $zone_dh;
my $sth_put_soa = $dbh->prepare( $dns_db->{put_soa_query} );
unless ($sth_put_soa) {
action => "database_error",
result => "failure",
additional_parameters => {
error_details => $dbh->errstr,
exit 1;
my $sth_get_soa = $dbh->prepare( $dns_db->{get_soa_id} );
unless ($sth_get_soa) {
action => "database_error",
result => "failure",
additional_parameters => {
error_details => $dbh->errstr,
exit 1;
my $sth_put_rr = $dbh->prepare( $dns_db->{put_rr_query} );
unless ($sth_put_rr) {
action => "database_error",
result => "failure",
additional_parameters => {
error_details => $dbh->errstr,
exit 1;
if ($force) {
unless ( $dns_db->purge_rss() ) {
action => "cannot_purge_rss",
result => "failure"
exit 1;
my %needed_zone_files = ();
push @messages, "Checking zones in MyDNS database";
foreach my $zonefile (@zonedir_contents) {
if ( $zonefile =~ /^([\w\-.]+)\.db$/ && Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Tiny::validdomainname($1) ) {
my $zone = $1;
if ( $force || !$existing_zones{$zone} ) {
$needed_zone_files{$zonefile} = $zone;
if ($debug) {
push @messages, "$zone already exists in MyDNS, not imported";
push @messages, "Done";
push @messages, "Importing zones into MyDNS database";
my $counter = 0;
foreach my $zonefile ( keys %needed_zone_files ) {
my ( $zone_fh, $zonedata );
unless ( open $zone_fh, '<', $bind_dir . '/' . $zonefile ) {
push @messages, "Unable to read $bind_dir" . '/' . $zonefile;
local $/;
$zonedata = readline($zone_fh);
close $zone_fh;
my ( $soa_hr, $rr_ar ) = Cpanel::NameServer::Utils::MyDNS::parsebind( $zonedata, $needed_zone_files{$zonefile} );
unless ( scalar keys(%$soa_hr) ) {
push @messages, "Unable to parse and save $needed_zone_files{$zonefile}\n";
my $ns = ( $soa_hr->{ns} =~ m/\.$/ ) ? $soa_hr->{ns} : $soa_hr->{ns} . '.';
my $origin = ( $soa_hr->{origin} =~ m/\.$/ ) ? $soa_hr->{origin} : $soa_hr->{origin} . '.';
my $serial = ( defined $soa_hr->{serial} ) ? $soa_hr->{serial} : Cpanel::DNSLib::MydnsDb::get_new_serial();
eval {
unless ( eval { $sth_put_soa->execute( $origin, $ns, $soa_hr->{mbox}, $serial, $soa_hr->{refresh}, $soa_hr->{retry}, $soa_hr->{expire}, $soa_hr->{minimum}, $soa_hr->{ttl}, 'Y' ) } ) {
push @messages, "Database error, unable to save soa records for $needed_zone_files{$zonefile}";
if ($@) {
push @messages, "Database error, saving soa record failed: $@";
my $soa_id;
eval {
unless ( eval { $sth_get_soa->execute($origin) } ) {
push @messages, "Database error, unable to get soa id for $needed_zone_files{$zonefile}";
my $result = $sth_get_soa->fetchrow_hashref();
$soa_id = $result->{'id'};
if ($@) {
push @messages, "Database error, fetching soa record failed: $@";
eval {
foreach my $rr_data ( @{$rr_ar} ) {
my $aux = ( exists $rr_data->{aux} && $rr_data->{aux} =~ m/^\d+$/ ) ? $rr_data->{aux} : 0;
unless ( eval { $sth_put_rr->execute( $soa_id, $rr_data->{name}, $rr_data->{type}, $aux, $rr_data->{data}, $rr_data->{ttl}, 'Y' ) } ) {
push @messages, "Database error, unable to save $rr_data->{name} for $needed_zone_files{$zonefile}";
if ($@) {
push @messages, "Database error, inserting rr record failed: $@";
if ( $counter % 100000 == 0 ) {
action => "zones_imported_successfully",
result => "in_progress",
additional_parameters => { imported_count => $counter }
if ($debug) {
push @messages, "$needed_zone_files{$zonefile} is successfully saved";
push @messages, "$counter zones have been successfully imported";
unless ($force) {
my $mydnschkbin = 0;
if ( -x $namedconf_obj->{'mydnschkbin'} ) {
push @messages, Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunallerrors( $namedconf_obj->{'mydnschkbin'}, '--consistency-only' );
push @messages, 'Zone consistency check is done';
$mydnschkbin = 1;
else {
push @messages, 'There is no mydnscheck in your system, zone consistency check is skipped';
action => 'successful_completion',
result => 'success',
additional_parameters => {
mydnschkbin => $mydnschkbin,
force => $force,
imported_count => $counter,
log_ => \@messages,
exit 0;
sub usage {
print <<EO_USAGE;
Usage: importmydnsdb [options]
--help Brief help message
--force Overwrite existing MyDNS records. This will cause downtime for DNS while records are rebuilt.
--debug Prints extra processing information
exit 0;
sub send_notification {
my ($obj) = @_;
if ( $obj->{'result'} eq 'success' ) {
my $log_file = join( "\n", @{ $obj->{'additional_parameters'}->{'log_'} } );
require Cpanel::Notify;
return Cpanel::Notify::notification_class(
'class' => 'ImportMyDNSdb::Success',
'application' => 'ImportMyDNSdb::Success',
'constructor_args' => [
action => $obj->{'action'},
mydnschkbin => $mydnschkbin,
attach_files => [ { name => 'import.log.txt', content => \$log_file } ],
%{ $obj->{'additional_parameters'} },
elsif ( $obj->{'result'} eq 'in_progress' ) {
require Cpanel::Notify;
return Cpanel::Notify::notification_class(
'class' => 'ImportMyDNSdb::InProgress',
'application' => 'ImportMyDNSdb::InProgress',
'constructor_args' => [
action => $obj->{'action'},
%{ $obj->{'additional_parameters'} },
else {
require Cpanel::Notify;
return Cpanel::Notify::notification_class(
'class' => 'ImportMyDNSdb::Failure',
'application' => 'ImportMyDNSdb::Failure',
'constructor_args' => [
action => $obj->{'action'},
%{ $obj->{'additional_parameters'} },