* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/ensure_vhost_includes |
# cpanel - scripts/ensure_vhost_includes Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
use strict;
# use warnings;
use Getopt::Param ();
use Cpanel::PwCache::Build ();
my %errors;
my $php_ini_include_paths_have_been_cached = 0;
my %checks = (
'cp_bw_all_limit.conf' => {
'name' => 'bandwidth limit',
# 'user' ...
'domain' => {
'on' => sub {
my ( $user, $domain, $value ) = @_;
if ( -x '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/setbwlimit' ) {
system '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/setbwlimit', '--domain=' . $domain, '--limit=' . $value;
else {
if ( !exists $errors{'/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/setbwlimit missing or not executable!'} ) {
print "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/setbwlimit missing or not executable!\n";
$errors{'/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/setbwlimit missing or not executable!'} = 0;
$errors{'/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/setbwlimit missing or not executable!'}++;
'off' => sub {
my ( $user, $domain, $value, $verbose, $skip_userdata_update ) = @_;
'skip_userdata_update' => ( $skip_userdata_update ? 1 : 0 ),
'domain' => $domain,
'file' => 'cp_bw_all_limit.conf',
'restart_apache' => 0,
'ensure_vhost_include_directives' => 0,
'cp_php_magic_include_path.conf' => {
'name' => 'magic php include path',
# 'user' ...
'domain' => {
'on' => sub {
my ( $user, $domain, $value, $verbose, $skip_userdata_update ) = @_;
my $homedir = ( Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam($user) )[7];
if ( !$php_ini_include_paths_have_been_cached ) {
@PHP_INI_INCLUDE_PATHS_CACHE = Cpanel::PHPINI::include_paths();
if ( $homedir && $homedir ne '' && $homedir ne '/' ) {
push @INCP, $homedir . '/php';
my $php5path = join( ':', @INCP );
my $first_include = shift @INCP;
unshift @INCP, '/usr/local/php4/lib/php';
unshift @INCP, '/usr/php4/lib/php';
unshift @INCP, $first_include;
my $php4path = join( ':', @INCP );
my $content = <<"END_CONT";
<IfModule concurrent_php.c>
php4_admin_value include_path "$php4path"
php5_admin_value include_path "$php5path"
<IfModule !concurrent_php.c>
<IfModule mod_php4.c>
php_admin_value include_path "$php4path"
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_admin_value include_path "$php5path"
<IfModule sapi_apache2.c>
php_admin_value include_path "$php4path"
'skip_userdata_update' => ( $skip_userdata_update ? 1 : 0 ),
'user' => $user,
'file' => 'cp_php_magic_include_path.conf',
'restart_apache' => 0,
'ensure_vhost_include_directives' => 0,
'content' => {
'std' => {
'1' => $content,
'2' => $content,
'ssl' => {
'1' => $content,
'2' => $content,
return 'once_per_user';
'off' => sub {
my ( $user, $domain, $value, $verbose, $skip_userdata_update ) = @_;
'skip_userdata_update' => ( $skip_userdata_update ? 1 : 0 ),
'user' => $user,
'file' => 'cp_php_magic_include_path.conf',
'restart_apache' => 0,
'ensure_vhost_include_directives' => 0,
return 'once_per_user';
my $help_cr = sub {
print <<"END_HELP";
Ensure all vhost includes are setup as per userdata.
$0 --help (this screen)
$0 --all-users | --user=USERNAME1 [--user=USERNAME2 --user=...] | --domain=DOMAIN1 [--domain=DOMAIN2 --domain=...] | --domainowner=DOMAIN1OWNER [--domainowner=DOMAIN1OWNER]
'--verbose' have output reporting what it is doing
'--skip-file-check' will skip the check that makes sure the setting in the userdata reflects what is on the filesystem
'--no-restart' will skip restarting Apache after httpd.conf is updated
'--skip-conf-rebuild' do not rebuild httpd.conf, implies --no-restart
'--debug' implies --verbose and makes the verbose information include more arcane information about what it's doing
# purposefully don't have --force-value and --only-check in help
my $prm = Getopt::Param->new(
{ #issafe
'help_coderef' => $help_cr,
if ( $prm->exists_param('only-check') ) {
my %only;
for my $check ( $prm->get_param('only-check') ) {
$only{$check} = 1 if exists $checks{$check};
for my $real_check ( sort keys %checks ) {
delete $checks{$real_check} if !exists $only{$real_check};
die "--only-check arguments removed all checks" if !keys %checks;
my %user_map;
my @users;
my $do_domain_filter = 0;
require Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny;
if ( $prm->get_param('all-users') ) {
require Cpanel::Config::LoadUserDomains;
require Cpanel::PwCache;
%user_map = %{ Cpanel::Config::LoadUserDomains::loaduserdomains( undef, 0, 1 ) };
@users = sort keys %user_map;
elsif ( $prm->get_param('user') ) {
require Cpanel::Config::LoadCpUserFile;
foreach my $user ( $prm->get_param('user') ) {
if ( my $cpuser_ref = Cpanel::Config::LoadCpUserFile::load($user) ) {
if ( $cpuser_ref->{'DOMAIN'} ) {
$user_map{$user} = [ $cpuser_ref->{'DOMAIN'}, @{ $cpuser_ref->{'DOMAINS'} } ];
push @users, $user;
else {
print "Invalid user: $user\n";
die "No valid --user arguments given" unless @users;
elsif ( $prm->get_param('domain') ) {
$do_domain_filter = {};
my @domain_owners = $prm->get_param('domainowner') ? ( $prm->get_param('domainowner') ) : ();
require Cpanel::Config::LoadCpUserFile;
require Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Tiny;
require Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Normalize;
for my $dom ( $prm->get_param('domain') ) {
$dom = Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Normalize::normalize($dom);
if ( Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Tiny::validdomainname($dom) ) {
if ( my $owner = ( shift @domain_owners || Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny::getdomainowner( $dom, { 'default' => '', 'skiptruelookup' => 1 } ) ) ) {
unless ( exists $user_map{$owner} ) {
if ( my $cpuser_ref = Cpanel::Config::LoadCpUserFile::load($owner) ) {
$user_map{$owner} = [ $cpuser_ref->{'DOMAIN'}, @{ $cpuser_ref->{'DOMAINS'} } ];
push @users, $owner;
if ( exists $user_map{$owner} ) {
else {
print "Invalid domain: $dom\n";
die "No valid --domain arguments given" unless keys %{$do_domain_filter};
else {
my $verbose = $prm->get_param('debug') || $prm->get_param('verbose') ? 1 : 0;
my %domains_processed;
if ( $prm->get_param('skip-file-check') ) {
print "Skipping file check as per --skip-file-check\n\n";
else {
require Cpanel::PHPINI;
require Cpanel::EditHttpdconf;
require Cpanel::DataStore;
require Cpanel::PwCache;
my $userdata = '/var/cpanel/userdata';
for my $user (@users) {
my %once;
print "Starting $user...\n" if $verbose;
my $userdir = "$userdata/$user";
next USER if !-d $userdir;
next USER if ref $user_map{$user} ne 'ARRAY';
my $userdata_main;
for my $dom ( sort @{ $user_map{$user} } ) {
my $userdata_domain;
if ( ref $do_domain_filter eq 'HASH' && !exists $do_domain_filter->{$dom} ) {
print "\tProcessing $dom...\n\t\tSkipping $dom since it was not passed in via --domain flag\n" if $prm->get_param('debug');
next DOM;
print "\tProcessing $dom...\n" if $verbose;
my $domfile = "$userdir/$dom";
next DOM if !-e $domfile;
for my $check ( sort keys %checks ) {
next DATACHECK if exists $once{$check};
print "\t\tChecking $checks{ $check }->{'name'}..." if $verbose;
my $skip_userdata_update = 0;
my $val;
if ( $prm->exists_param('force-value') ) {
$val = $prm->get_param('force-value');
else {
$skip_userdata_update = 1; # we read it from the datastore, we are not
# ever going to need to update it if we are
# not forcing a new value
$userdata_main ||= Cpanel::DataStore::fetch_ref("$userdir/main");
$val = $userdata_main->{$check};
if ( !$val ) { # if its not in the main datastore we look in the domain one
$userdata_domain ||= Cpanel::DataStore::fetch_ref($domfile);
$val = $userdata_domain->{$check};
my @args = ( $user, $dom, $val, $verbose, $skip_userdata_update );
my $rc;
if ($val) {
print "On\n" if $verbose;
$rc = $checks{$check}->{'domain'}{'on'}->(@args);
else {
print "Off\n" if $verbose;
$rc = $checks{$check}->{'domain'}{'off'}->(@args);
$once{$check} = 1 if $rc eq 'once_per_user';
if ( $prm->get_param('skip-conf-rebuild') ) {
print "Skipping httpd.conf rebuild as per --skip-conf-rebuild\n" if $verbose;
if ( $prm->get_param('skip-file-check') ) {
print "Specifying both --skip-conf-rebuild and --skip-file-check means nothing was done.\n";
else {
print "Ensuring that Include entries are correct...\n" if $verbose;
my $vhosts_updated = 0;
# ? other threshhold of when individual vhost building is less efficient than just rebuilding the entire httpd.conf ?
if ( keys %domains_processed < 3 ) {
require Cpanel::ConfigFiles::Apache::VhostUpdate;
my ( $vhost_status, $vhost_message, $vhosts_changed );
for my $domain ( keys %domains_processed ) {
( $vhost_status, $vhost_message, $vhosts_changed ) = Cpanel::ConfigFiles::Apache::VhostUpdate::do_vhost($domain);
if ( !$vhost_status ) {
warn "Could not rebuild vhost for $domain: $vhost_message";
$vhosts_updated = 1 if ( $vhosts_changed && ref $vhosts_changed && @{$vhosts_changed} );
else {
$vhosts_updated = 1;
sub {
my ($line) = @_;
return $line; # Cpanel::SafeRun::Dynamic::livesaferun() prints whatever is returned
no warnings 'once';
require Whostmgr::UI;
local $Whostmgr::UI::nohtml = 1;
if ( !$vhosts_updated ) {
print "Skipping Apache restart as not vhosts were updated\n" if $verbose;
elsif ( $prm->get_param('no-restart') ) {
print "Skipping Apache restart as per --no-restart\n" if $verbose;
else {
print "Updated domains: " . join( ', ', sort keys %domains_processed ) . "\n" if $verbose;
print "Restarting Apache...\n" if $verbose;
require Cpanel::HttpUtils::ApRestart::BgSafe;