* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/dovecot_maintenance |
# cpanel - scripts/dovecot_maintenance Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
package scripts::dovecot_maintenance;
=head1 NAME
dovecot_maintenance - Run nightly maintenance for dovecot which includes
purging deleted messages from mdbox.
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/dovecot_maintenance [options]
--help This help message
--background Run in the background
All deleted email will be purged from mdbox users
who have logged in since this script was last run.
This program will also purge all expired APNs
use strict;
use Cpanel::IONice ();
use Cpanel::PwCache ();
use Cpanel::PwCache::Build ();
use Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf ();
use Cpanel::Config::LoadConfig ();
use Cpanel::ConfigFiles ();
use Cpanel::Dovecot ();
use Cpanel::Dovecot::Utils ();
use Cpanel::AdvConfig ();
use Cpanel::Locale ();
use Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny ();
use Cpanel::AcctUtils::Lookup ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Open ();
use Cpanel::Email::Exists ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Dir ();
use Cpanel::SQLite::Compat ();
use DBD::SQLite ();
use Cpanel::DBI::SQLite ();
use Cpanel::APNS::Mail::DB ();
use File::Path ();
use Getopt::Long ();
use Pod::Usage ();
use Umask::Local ();
use Try::Tiny;
my $background = 0;
my $help = 0;
unless ( caller() ) {
Getopt::Long::GetOptions( 'background' => \$background, 'help' => \$help );
Pod::Usage::pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if $help;
if ($background) {
require Cpanel::Daemonizer::Tiny;
my $pid = Cpanel::Daemonizer::Tiny::run_as_daemon(
sub {
# The next two calls are unchecked because it cannot be captured when running as a daemon
Cpanel::FileUtils::Open::sysopen_with_real_perms( \*STDERR, $Cpanel::ConfigFiles::CPANEL_ROOT . '/logs/error_log', 'O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT', 0600 );
open( STDOUT, '>&', \*STDERR ) || warn "Failed to redirect STDOUT to STDERR";
exit( __PACKAGE__->script() );
else {
exit( __PACKAGE__->script() );
sub script {
my ($class) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
local $| = 1;
my $exit_status = 0;
# Order matters since for mdbox expunge will only mark it for purge
foreach my $op (qw(_purge_deleted_messages _purge_expired_xaps_registrations)) {
try {
catch {
warn $_;
$exit_status = 1;
return $exit_status;
sub _init {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{'mailbox_formats'} = scalar Cpanel::Config::LoadConfig::loadConfig( "/etc/mailbox_formats", undef, ": " );
$self->{'dovecot_conf'} = Cpanel::AdvConfig::load_app_conf('dovecot');
sub _ionice {
my ($self) = @_;
return if $self->{'did_ionice'};
$self->{'did_ionice'} = 1;
my $cpconf_ref = Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf::loadcpconf();
if ( Cpanel::IONice::ionice( 'best-effort', exists $cpconf_ref->{'ionice_dovecot_maintenance'} ? $cpconf_ref->{'ionice_dovecot_maintenance'} : $$DEFAULT_IO_NICE ) ) {
print "[dovecot_maintenance] Setting I/O priority to reduce system load: " . Cpanel::IONice::get_ionice() . "\n";
return 1;
sub _purge_deleted_messages {
my ($self) = @_;
return if !-d $Cpanel::Dovecot::LASTLOGIN_DIR; # may not be created yet
my $nodes_ar = Cpanel::FileUtils::Dir::get_directory_nodes($Cpanel::Dovecot::LASTLOGIN_DIR);
my $locale = $self->_locale();
foreach my $username (@$nodes_ar) {
if ( index( $username, q{__cpanel__service__auth__} ) == -1 && $self->_has_mdbox($username) ) {
print $locale->maketext( "Purging deleted messages for “[_1]” …", $username );
print $locale->maketext("Done") . "\n";
if ( -d "$Cpanel::Dovecot::LASTLOGIN_DIR/$username" ) {
# Handle user/sent logins
try {
catch {
local $@ = $_;
else {
# Handle normal logins
return 1;
sub _locale {
my ($self) = @_;
return ( $self->{'locale'} ||= Cpanel::Locale->get_handle() );
sub _has_mdbox {
my ( $self, $username ) = @_;
my $system_user;
# get_system_user generates an exception when the user or the
# domain does not exist. UserNotFound/DomainDoesNotExist.
# anything else is a fail
try {
$system_user = Cpanel::AcctUtils::Lookup::get_system_user($username);
catch {
local $@ = $_;
die if !try { $_->isa('Cpanel::Exception::UserNotFound') || $_->isa('Cpanel::Exception::DomainDoesNotExist') };
return 0 if !$system_user;
# The email account may have a different setting than the main account, so
# we check here.
if ( $username =~ tr{@}{} ) {
my ( $user, $domain ) = split /@/, $username;
my $homedir = Cpanel::PwCache::gethomedir($system_user);
# cannot have mdbox if there is no dir
if ( !-d "$homedir/mail/$domain/$user/storage" ) {
if ( !$! ) {
warn "“$homedir/mail/$domain/$user/storage” exists but isn’t a directory??";
elsif ( !$!{'ENOENT'} ) {
warn "stat($homedir/mail/$domain/$user/storage) as EUID $>: $!";
return 0;
my $size = ( stat("$homedir/mail/$domain/$user/mailbox_format.cpanel") )[7];
if ( !$size ) {
require Cpanel::AcctUtils::Lookup::MailUser;
# no mailbox_format.cpanel file? fallback to the logic
# we use to lookup a user
my $response;
try {
$response = Cpanel::AcctUtils::Lookup::MailUser::lookup_mail_user( $username, q{} );
catch {
local $@ = $_;
if ( $response && $response->{'user_info'}{'mailbox'}{'format'} eq 'mdbox' ) {
return 1;
return 0;
return $size == length 'mdbox' ? 1 : 0;
return $self->{'mailbox_formats'}->{$system_user} eq 'mdbox' ? 1 : 0;
sub _find_valid_users_from_query {
my ( $self, $query ) = @_;
my ( @valid, %invalid );
while ( my $entry = $query->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
local $@;
if (
!try {
my $system_user = Cpanel::AcctUtils::Lookup::get_system_user( $entry->{'username'} );
local $Cpanel::homedir = Cpanel::PwCache::gethomedir($system_user);
Cpanel::Email::Exists::pop_exists( split( q{@}, $entry->{'username'} ) );
) {
print "$entry->{'username'} does not exist. Removing stale entries.\n";
$invalid{ $entry->{'username'} } = 1;
push @valid, $entry;
return ( \@valid, \%invalid );
sub _purge_expired_xaps_registrations {
my ($self) = @_;
return Cpanel::APNS::Mail::DB->new()->purge_registrations_older_than($DAYS_TO_KEEP_APNS_REGISTRATIONS);