* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/dnssec-cluster-keys |
package scripts::dnssec_cluster_keys;
# cpanel - scripts/dnssec-cluster-keys
# Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
use strict;
use warnings;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
dnssec-cluster-keys [--sync|--revoke] [--zone=] [--tag=] {--nolocal} {--rebuild-cache}
--sync Action to sync keys to the cluster.
--revoke Action to revoke keys from the cluster.
--zone Required. The zone to take action on.
--tag Required for revoke. Optional for sync.
If not defined during a sync, all active keys will be used.
Multiple tags can be defined.
--nolocal Optional. Do not perform the action on the local server.
Useful for testing.
--rebuild-cache Rebuild the local cache of domains with DNSSEC enabled.
Sync all currently active DNSSEC keys:
./dnssec-cluster-keys --sync --zone=example.zone
Sync only specific DNSSEC keys. If any of the keys are disabled locally, they will be enabled.
./dnssec-cluster-keys --sync --zone=example.zone --tag=46547 --tag=31016 --tag=44233
Revoke specific DNSSEC keys from the cluster. WARNING: This will delete the keys locally also.
./dnssec-cluster-keys --revoke --zone=example.zone --tag=46547 --tag=31016 --tag=44233
Revoke a DNSSEC key from the cluster, but keep the local copy.
./dnssec-cluster-keys --revoke --zone=example.zone --tag=12345 --nolocal
This script is used to manage DNSSEC keys in a cPanel cluster. You must be using PowerDNS
as a nameserver, cPanel DNS clustering must be enabled, and have root privileges. This script
provides two actions, sync and revoke.
use Cpanel::NameServer::DNSSEC::SyncKeys ();
use parent qw( Cpanel::HelpfulScript );
use constant _OPTIONS => ( 'zone=s', 'sync', 'revoke', 'tag=s@', 'nolocal', 'rebuild-cache' );
if ( !caller() ) {
exit 0;
sub run {
my ($self) = @_;
die "This must run as root!\n" if $>;
if ( $self->getopt('rebuild-cache') ) {
print "Rebuilding the dnssec enabled cache...\n";
require Cpanel::NameServer::DNSSEC::Cache;
print "Done\n";
return 1;
my $zone = $self->getopt('zone') // die "Must specify a zone.\n" . $self->help();
my $nolocal = $self->getopt('nolocal') ? 0 : 1;
unless ( defined( $self->getopt('sync') ) ^ defined( $self->getopt('revoke') ) ) {
die "Must specify either --sync or --revoke.\n" . $self->help();
my $dnssec = Cpanel::NameServer::DNSSEC::SyncKeys->new( $zone, $nolocal );
if ( $self->getopt('sync') ) {
my $keys = $self->getopt('tag') // [];
if (@$keys) {
print "Syncing DNSSEC keys for $zone with tags: " . join( " ", @$keys ) . "\n";
$dnssec->sync_keys( $keys, { skip_verify => 1 } );
else {
print "Syncing all active DNSSEC keys for zone $zone...\n";
$dnssec->sync_active_keys( { skip_verify => 1 } );
elsif ( $self->getopt('revoke') ) {
my $keys = $self->getopt('tag') // die "Please specify the keytags to revoke with --tag.\n" . $self->help();
print "Removing DNSSEC keys for $zone with tags: " . join( " ", @$keys ) . "\n";
print "Done.\n";
return 1;