* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/cpbackup |
# cpanel - scripts/cpbackup Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
use strict;
use Try::Tiny;
use Capture::Tiny ();
use Cwd ();
use Cpanel::ExitValues::rsync ();
use Cpanel::PwCache::Build ();
use Cpanel::SafeDir::MK ();
use Cpanel::LoadFile ();
use Cpanel::BackupMount ();
use Cpanel::Backup::SystemResources ();
use Cpanel::Hostname ();
use Cpanel::Binaries ();
use Cpanel::OSSys ();
use Cpanel::OSSys::Capabilities ();
use Cpanel::CpuWatch ();
use Cpanel::Exception ();
use Cpanel::Logger ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::TouchFile ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Move ();
use Cpanel::Config::Backup ();
use Cpanel::Config::LoadConfig ();
use Cpanel::Config::FlushConfig ();
use Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf ();
use Cpanel::Config::LoadCpUserFile ();
use Cpanel::Config::IPs::RemoteDNS ();
use Cpanel::Config::IPs::RemoteMail ();
use Cpanel::Config::Users ();
use Cpanel::ConfigFiles ();
use Cpanel::Kill::Single ();
use Cpanel::Mailman::Filesys ();
use Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Dir ();
use Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors ();
use Cpanel::SimpleSync ();
use Cpanel::Tar ();
use Cpanel::IONice ();
use Cpanel::Gzip::Config ();
use Cpanel::Usage ();
use Cpanel::Backup::Sync ();
use Cpanel::Update::InProgress ();
use Cpanel::Locale ();
use Cpanel::ConfigFiles::Apache ();
use Cpanel::StringFunc::Trim ();
use Cpanel::Waitpid ();
use Cpanel::FtpUtils::ResponseCodes ();
use Cpanel::SignalManager ();
use Cpanel::OS ();
# These constants identify the backup type
# which is running and to name the pid file
# We'll be passing this to the set of common functions
# used by the old and new backup systems to avoid collisions
use constant BACKUP_ID => Cpanel::Backup::Sync::BACKUP_TYPE_OLD;
use constant BACKUP_ID_OTHER => Cpanel::Backup::Sync::BACKUP_TYPE_NEW;
my $start_time = time();
my $apacheconf = Cpanel::ConfigFiles::Apache->new();
my $logger = Cpanel::Logger->new();
our $VERSION = 2.1;
$Cpanel::BackupMount::VERBOSE = 1;
$ENV{'PATH'} .= ":/sbin";
our $logdir = '/usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpbackup';
my $force = 0;
my $debug = 0;
my $allow_override = 0;
my $monthly = 0;
my $weekly = 0;
my $locale;
$locale ||= Cpanel::Locale->get_handle();
my %opts = (
'force' => \$force,
'debug' => \$debug,
'monthly' => \$monthly,
'weekly' => \$weekly,
'allow-override' => \$allow_override,
Cpanel::Usage::wrap_options( \@ARGV, \&usage, \%opts );
my $host = Cpanel::Hostname::gethostname();
my %CPCONF = Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf::loadcpconf();
if ( Cpanel::Update::InProgress->is_on() ) {
$logger->warn("An update is in progress. Backups are disabled at this time.");
exit 1;
# Handle the case where another instance of the script
# is already running
Cpanel::Backup::Sync::handle_already_running( BACKUP_ID, $logdir, $logger ) or exit 1;
# Load the configuration and do some preliminary checks as to whether we
# actually need to run before trying to wait for the other backup to complete
# and warning the user.
my %CONF = Cpanel::Config::Backup::load();
if ( $CONF{'BACKUPENABLE'} ne "yes" ) {
if ( -t \*STDOUT ) {
print STDERR "[cpbackup] Backup Not Enabled (This can be adjusted in WHM => Backup => Legacy Backup Configuration)\n";
exit 1;
if ( $CONF{'BACKUPENABLE'} ne "restoreonly" && $CONF{'BACKUPENABLE'} ne "yes" ) {
print STDERR "[cpbackup] Backup Not Enabled (restore only) (This can be adjusted in WHM => Backup => Legacy Backup Configuration)\n";
exit 1;
if ( $CONF{'BACKUPCHECK'} ne "yes" ) {
print STDERR "[cpbackup] Backup must be re-enabled in your WHM (This can be adjusted in WHM => Backup => Legacy Backup Configuration)\n";
exit 1;
# If the other backup type is running wait for it to finish,
# then flag that we are running so the other backup type can not
# start
my $rc = Cpanel::Backup::Sync::set_backup_as_running_after_other_finishes( BACKUP_ID, BACKUP_ID_OTHER, time(), $logger );
if ( $rc == Cpanel::Backup::Sync::OTHER_TYPE_RUNNING ) {
print STDERR "[backup] Unable start backup script";
require Cpanel::iContact::Class::Backup::Failure;
require Cpanel::Notify;
'class' => 'Backup::Failure',
'application' => 'Backup::Failure',
'constructor_args' => [
'origin' => 'Legacy cPanel Backup System',
'start_time' => $start_time,
'end_time' => time(),
'reason' => $locale->maketext('The system could not complete the backup because legacy and current backup processes may not run concurrently, and the first backup process has not finished.')
exit 1;
if ( $rc != Cpanel::Backup::Sync::SUCCESS ) {
print STDERR "[backup] Unable start backup script";
require Cpanel::iContact::Class::Backup::Failure;
require Cpanel::Notify;
'class' => 'Backup::Failure',
'application' => 'Backup::Failure',
'constructor_args' => [
'origin' => 'Legacy cPanel Backup System',
'start_time' => $start_time,
'end_time' => time(),
'reason' => $locale->maketext( 'The system could not complete the backup because a test of β[_1]β resulted in an error.', '/bin/backup' )
exit 1;
# If stats are running, request that they pause
if ( $CPCONF{'nocpbackuplogs'} ) {
my $gzip_cfg = Cpanel::Gzip::Config->load();
my $gzip_bin = $gzip_cfg->{'bin'};
if ( !-x $gzip_bin ) {
$logger->info('Unable to locate suitable gzip binary');
exit 1;
my $rsync_bin = Cpanel::Binaries::path('rsync');
if ( !-x $rsync_bin ) {
$logger->info('Unable to locate suitable rsync binary');
exit 1;
my $tarcfg = Cpanel::Tar::load_tarcfg();
my ( $status, $message ) = Cpanel::Tar::checkperm();
exit 1 if !$status; # No need to show message here, handled in checkperm routine
my $tar_bin = $tarcfg->{'bin'};
my $now = time;
my $rsyncopts = '-rlptD';
#recusive, copy symlinks as symlinks, preserve permissions,
#preserve times, preserve devices
if ( !$CPCONF{'skipnotifyacctbackupfailure'} ) {
my $CAPABILITIES = Cpanel::OSSys::Capabilities->load;
my $pkgacct = -x '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/pkgacct' ? '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/pkgacct' : '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/pkgacct';
if ($allow_override) {
if ( -e '/var/cpanel/lib/Whostmgr/Pkgacct/pkgacct' && -x _ ) {
$pkgacct = '/var/cpanel/lib/Whostmgr/Pkgacct/pkgacct';
my $has_link_dest = 0;
if ( $CONF{'BACKUPINC'} eq 'yes' && $CONF{'LINKDEST'} && ( $CONF{'LINKDEST'} eq 'yes' || $CONF{'LINKDEST'} eq '1' ) ) {
my $rsync_help = Cpanel::SafeRun::Errors::saferunallerrors( $rsync_bin, '--help' );
$has_link_dest = ( $rsync_help =~ /link-dest/ ? 1 : 0 );
if ( ( !exists $CONF{'PREBACKUP'} || $CONF{'PREBACKUP'} eq '-1' || $CONF{'PREBACKUP'} eq '' ) && -e '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/precpbackup' && -x _ ) {
if ( !exists $CONF{'PREBACKUP'} ) {
require Cpanel::Redirect;
my $url_host = Cpanel::Redirect::getserviceSSLdomain('cpanel') || $host;
if ( my $pid = fork() ) {
if ( $? && $? & 127 ) {
my $signum = $? & 127;
print STDERR "[cpbackup] WARNING: Process $pid died from signal $signum!\n";
else {
require Cpanel::Notify;
'class' => 'Backup::PreBackupNotice',
'application' => 'Legacy cPanel Backup System',
'status' => 'prebackup deprecation',
'priority' => 2,
'interval' => 60 * 60 * 24,
'constructor_args' => [ 'origin' => 'Legacy cPanel Backup System' ]
if ( -t STDIN ) {
print "[cpbackup] Executing user defined pre backup script (/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/precpbackup) [LEGACY].\n";
system '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/precpbackup';
$CONF{'PREBACKUP'} = 0; # Prevent from running again
if ( exists $CONF{'GZIPRSYNCOPTS'} ) {
else {
$CONF{'GZIPRSYNCOPTS'} = $gzip_cfg->{'rsyncable'} ? '--rsyncable' : '';
Cpanel::Config::Backup::save( \%CONF );
$ENV{'pkgacct-cpbackup'} = 1;
#BACKUPDIR /backup
#BACKUPDAYS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
#BACKUPTYPE normal,ftp
if ( $> == 0 ) {
$ENV{'USER'} = 'root';
$ENV{'HOME'} = '/root';
# if ( open my $userskip_fh, '<', '/etc/cpbackup-userskip.conf' ) {
# while (<$userskip_fh>) {
# chomp;
# $SKIPUSERS{$_} = 1;
# }
# close $userskip_fh;
# }
my @FILES = (
my @DIRS = (
if ( $CONF{'BACKUPDAYS'} ne "" ) {
my @BACKUPDAYS = split( /\,/, $CONF{'BACKUPDAYS'} );
my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = localtime($now);
my $backupthisday = 0;
foreach (@BACKUPDAYS) {
if ( $wday eq $_ ) {
$backupthisday = 1;
if ( !$backupthisday && !$force ) {
print STDERR "[cpbackup] Backups are not scheduled to run today (This can be adjusted in WHM => Backup => Legacy Backup Configuration)\n";
exit 1;
my $basedir = $CONF{'BACKUPDIR'};
# Create log dir and rotate log files
my $log_file_path = Cpanel::Backup::Sync::log_file_path( $logdir, $now );
my ( $SIGNAL_MANAGER, $at_perl_end );
if ( !$debug ) {
( $SIGNAL_MANAGER, $at_perl_end ) = Cpanel::Backup::Sync::fork_and_redirect_output( BACKUP_ID, $logdir, $now, $logger, \&send_message );
$ENV{'CPBACKUP_LOGFILE'} = $log_file_path;
if ( $CONF{'BACKUPTYPE'} eq 'ftp' ) {
my $ftpuser = $CONF{'BACKUPFTPUSER'};
my $ftppass = $CONF{'BACKUPFTPPASS'};
if ( !defined($ftpuser) || $ftpuser eq '' ) {
my $status = 'FTP user for backups is not defined.';
my $subject = $status;
'The β[_1]β of the Legacy Backup System is set to β[_2]β, but the [asis,FTP] user is not defined.',
$locale->maketext('Backup Type'),
$locale->maketext('Remote FTP (Accounts Only)'),
elsif ( !defined($ftppass) || $ftppass eq '' ) {
my $status = "FTP password for $ftpuser is not defined.";
my $subject = $status;
'The β[_1]β of the Legacy Backup System is set to β[_2]β, but the [asis,FTP] password for β[_3]β is not defined.',
$locale->maketext('Backup Type'),
$locale->maketext('Remote FTP (Accounts Only)'),
my $net_ftp_ok = 0;
eval { require Net::FTP; $net_ftp_ok = 1; };
if ( !$net_ftp_ok ) {
my $status = 'loading Net::FTP failed';
my $subject = qq{Remote FTP backup failed because Net::FTP could not be loaded on $host};
'The β[_1]β of the Legacy Backup System is set to β[_2]β, but the backup failed because β[asis,Net::FTP]β could not be loaded on β[_3]β.',
$locale->maketext('Backup Type'),
$locale->maketext('Remote FTP (Accounts Only)'),
my $ftptimeout = $CONF{'BACKUPFTPTIMEOUT'} || 120;
my $ftppassive = ( $CONF{'BACKUPFTPPASSIVE'} eq 'yes' );
my $ftphost = $CONF{'BACKUPFTPHOST'};
my $ftp = Net::FTP->new(
Debug => 1,
Passive => $ftppassive,
Timeout => $ftptimeout
unless ($ftp) {
my $status = "Unable to connect to remote FTP server ($ftphost).";
my $subject = qq{Remote FTP backup on $host failed because unable to connect to remote FTP server ($ftphost)};
$locale->maketext( 'Remote [asis,FTP] backup on β[_1]β failed because the system was unable to connect to the remote [asis,FTP] server ([_2]).', $host, $ftphost ),
if ( !$ftp->login( $ftpuser, $ftppass ) ) {
my $status = 'Unable to login to remote FTP server.';
my $subject = $status;
$locale->maketext( 'Remote [asis,FTP] backup on β[_1]β failed because the server was unable to log into the remote [asis,FTP] server, [_2], with the provided credentials.', $host, $ftphost ),
mkdir( "/home/cpbackuptmp", 0711 );
chmod( 0711, "/home/cpbackuptmp" );
$basedir = "/home/cpbackuptmp";
$CONF{'BACKUPINC'} = "no";
my $original_child_pid = $$;
my $basemount = $basedir;
my $need_to_mount_backup;
$need_to_mount_backup = !Cpanel::BackupMount::backup_disk_is_mounted($basemount) if ( $CONF{'BACKUPMOUNT'} eq 'yes' );
if ($need_to_mount_backup) {
Cpanel::BackupMount::mount_backup_disk( $basemount, 'cpbackup', 86400 );
if ( !$basedir ) {
if ( !-t STDIN ) {
require Cpanel::iContact::Class::Backup::Failure;
require Cpanel::Notify;
'class' => 'Backup::Failure',
'application' => 'Backup::Failure',
'constructor_args' => [
'origin' => 'Legacy cPanel Backup System',
'start_time' => $start_time,
'end_time' => time(),
'reason' => $locale->maketext('The system could not complete the backup because the configuration does not specify the backup directory.')
print STDERR "[cpbackup] Backup failed! Base directory for backups not set!\n";
exit 1;
chmod( 0711, $basedir );
$basedir .= '/cpbackup';
$basedir =~ s{//}{/};
Cpanel::SafeDir::MK::safemkdir( $basedir, 0711 );
chmod( 0711, $basedir );
Cpanel::OSSys::nice(18); # needs to be one higher for cpuwatch
if ( $CAPABILITIES->capable_of('ionice') ) {
if ( Cpanel::IONice::ionice( 'best-effort', exists $CPCONF{'ionice_cpbackup'} ? $CPCONF{'ionice_cpbackup'} : 6 ) ) {
print "[cpbackup] Setting I/O priority to reduce system load: " . Cpanel::IONice::get_ionice() . "\n";
if ($has_link_dest) {
print "[cpbackup] EXPERIMENTAL Hard Linking enabled (link-dest)\n";
if ( $CONF{'PREBACKUP'} && -e '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/precpbackup' && -x _ ) {
print "[cpbackup] Executing user defined pre backup script (/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/precpbackup).\n";
system '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/precpbackup';
# If precpbackup unmounts the disk, mount it again
if ( $CONF{'BACKUPMOUNT'} eq 'yes' && !Cpanel::BackupMount::backup_disk_is_mounted($basemount) ) {
Cpanel::BackupMount::mount_backup_disk( $basemount, 'cpbackup', 86400 );
'monthly' => 29,
'weekly' => 6,
'daily' => .5
my ( @backups_to_run, @backups_to_skip ); # We are using an array becuse the order of the backups matter
# when we push them in below the first backup will be the one we run
# anything after the first are just retention backups which may or may be due
# to be copied from the backup we just made.
# Pick the first backup based on the BACKUPINT setting
if ( exists $BACKUP_TTLS{ $CONF{'BACKUPINT'} } ) {
if ( $force || !-e $basedir . '/' . $CONF{'BACKUPINT'} || isolderthan( $BACKUP_TTLS{ $CONF{'BACKUPINT'} }, $basedir . '/' . $CONF{'BACKUPINT'} ) ) {
push @backups_to_run, $CONF{'BACKUPINT'};
else {
push @backups_to_skip, $CONF{'BACKUPINT'};
# additionnal backups should be treated only when performing the original BAKUPINT
# if not we will not preserve the hardlinks when launch multiple times
# you should use --force option for multiple launch
if (@backups_to_run) {
# If we are doing daily backups we have the option to retain weekly backups
if ( $CONF{'BACKUPINT'} eq "daily" && $CONF{'BACKUPRETWEEKLY'} ) {
if ( !-e "${basedir}/weekly" || isolderthan( $BACKUP_TTLS{'weekly'}, "${basedir}/weekly" || $weekly ) ) {
push @backups_to_run, 'weekly';
else {
push @backups_to_skip, 'weekly';
# If we are doing daily or weekly backups we have the option to retain monthly backups
if ( ( $CONF{'BACKUPINT'} eq "weekly" || $CONF{'BACKUPINT'} eq "daily" ) && $CONF{'BACKUPRETMONTHLY'} ) {
if ( !-e "${basedir}/monthly" || isolderthan( $BACKUP_TTLS{'monthly'}, "${basedir}/monthly" || $monthly ) ) {
push @backups_to_run, 'monthly';
else {
push @backups_to_skip, 'monthly';
if ( $CONF{'MYSQLBACKUP'} eq "both" || $CONF{'MYSQLBACKUP'} eq 'dir' ) {
backup_all_mysql_databases( \%CONF );
# Only send the message if there are backups to run
my $send_message = ( @backups_to_run ? 1 : 0 );
my ( $rsync_err_str, $rsync_stderr );
my $user_error_map;
if (@backups_to_run) {
print "[cpbackup] The following backups will be updated: " . join( ',', @backups_to_run ) . "\n";
my $current_backup = $backups_to_run[0];
my $curr_backup_dir = "$basedir/$current_backup";
Cpanel::SafeDir::MK::safemkdir( $curr_backup_dir, 0711 ) if ( !-e $curr_backup_dir );
chmod( 0711, $curr_backup_dir );
$user_error_map = backupaccts( $curr_backup_dir, \@backups_to_run ); # we include the list of backups to run so we can avoid
# having to do the backup process for each backup when ftping
# Make a copy of the current_backup (BACKUPINT setting) into the next type we need to retain
shift(@backups_to_run); # the first one is the kind of backup we are running
# The next are the ones we need to keep (they are only pushed in if we need to make a copy)
while ( my $retention_backup = shift @backups_to_run ) { # We are shifting them out as they are done
# so we know they have been completed
next if ( !$retention_backup );
print "[cpbackup] Copying $current_backup backups to $retention_backup backups for retention\n";
my $target_dir = "$basedir/$retention_backup";
my @rsync_opts = (
? (
: ()
my $rsync_exit_code;
( $rsync_stderr, $rsync_exit_code ) = Capture::Tiny::tee_stderr(
sub { cpusystem( $rsync_bin, @rsync_opts ) },
my $rsync_status = $rsync_exit_code ? Cpanel::ExitValues::rsync->number_to_string($rsync_exit_code) : q<>;
if ($has_link_dest) {
if ( $rsync_exit_code != 0 ) {
$rsync_err_str = "Incremental hard link copy of $current_backup backups to $retention_backup backups failed because of an error: $rsync_status";
else {
unlink "$target_dir/cpbackupstatus.cfg" if -e "$target_dir/cpbackupstatus.cfg";
Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( "$curr_backup_dir/cpbackupstatus.cfg", "$target_dir/cpbackupstatus.cfg" );
elsif ( $rsync_exit_code != 0 ) {
$rsync_err_str = "Incremental copy of $current_backup backups to $retention_backup backups failed because of an error: $rsync_status";
if ($rsync_err_str) {
print STDERR "[cpbackup] $rsync_err_str\n";
# case 42741: no need to update the file again as it will be copied from the $current_backup
#update_last_run_time( $basedir . '/' . $retention_backup );
last; # Only do one per run so at least we have one day where monthly and weekly backups are not the same at the end of the month
if (@backups_to_run) {
print STDERR "[cpbackup] The following backups will be updated next time cpbackup runs: " . join( ',', @backups_to_run ) . "\n"; # we do not want to cobber the monthly backups
# at the end of the month so we will wait till the next run
if (@backups_to_skip) {
print "[cpbackup] The following backups were already up to date: " . join( ',', @backups_to_skip ) . "\n";
if ( -e '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/postcpbackup' && -x _ && ( !exists $CONF{'POSTBACKUP'} || $CONF{'POSTBACKUP'} ) ) {
print "[cpbackup] Executing user defined post backup script (/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/postcpbackup).\n";
system '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/postcpbackup';
# unmount the disk if it was initially unmounted
if ($need_to_mount_backup) {
Cpanel::BackupMount::unmount_backup_disk( $basemount, 'cpbackup' );
my $complete_localtime = localtime();
print "[cpbackup] Completed at $complete_localtime\n";
sub send_message {
my ($signal) = @_;
$signal ||= 0;
if ($send_message) {
my $major_error;
# Parse the log for known problems to highlight.
#Just take the first one due to space restraints in subject line.
if ( open( my $log_file, '<', $log_file_path ) ) {
while (<$log_file>) {
if (m/<<<\s552\s(.*)/) {
$major_error = $locale->maketext("The backup destination server has exceeded storage allocation (for current directory or dataset).");
elsif (m/<<<\s452\s(.*)/) {
$major_error = $locale->maketext("The backup destination server has insufficient storage space.");
my @transport_errors = ();
if ( keys %$user_error_map ) {
for my $user ( sort keys %$user_error_map ) {
for my $target_type ( sort keys %{ $user_error_map->{$user}{'transport'} } ) {
push @transport_errors,
my @account_errors = ();
if ( keys %$user_error_map ) {
for my $user ( sort keys %$user_error_map ) {
if ( $user_error_map->{$user}{'account'} ) {
push @account_errors,
my @local_copy_errors = (
? ( [ $rsync_err_str => $rsync_stderr ] )
: ()
require Cpanel::Notify;
my @attach_files = (
"name" => "${now}.log.txt",
"content" => Cpanel::LoadFile::loadfile_r($log_file_path),
'number_of_preview_lines' => 25,
my $had_error = $major_error || @account_errors || @transport_errors || @local_copy_errors;
my $class = $had_error ? 'Backup::PartialFailure' : 'Backup::Success';
print "[cpbackup] Final state is $class ($signal)\n";
'application' => "Legacy cPanel Backup System",
'class' => $class,
'status' => '',
'priority' => 2,
'interval' => 1, # Always notify
'constructor_args' => [
'origin' => "Legacy cPanel Backup System",
is_legacy => 1,
'start_time' => $start_time,
'end_time' => time(),
major_error => $major_error,
transport_errors => \@transport_errors,
account_errors => \@account_errors,
local_copy_errors => \@local_copy_errors,
'attach_files' => \@attach_files,
'signal' => $signal,
'log_file_path' => $log_file_path,
sub isolderthan {
my ( $days, $file ) = @_;
return 1 if !-e $file;
my $last_run_time = ( stat($file) )[9];
# We want the trust the earliest time so we do not miss out on a backup. Its better to backup again
# if we are unsure. We now create a cpbackupstatus.cfg if it is missing
if ( -e $file . '/cpbackupstatus.cfg' ) {
my $backup_status_ref = Cpanel::Config::LoadConfig::loadConfig( $file . '/cpbackupstatus.cfg', {}, '=' );
# Always take the oldest date
if ( exists $backup_status_ref->{'last_run_time'} && $backup_status_ref->{'last_run_time'} && $backup_status_ref->{'last_run_time'} < $last_run_time ) {
$last_run_time = $backup_status_ref->{'last_run_time'};
else {
my $backup_status_ref = { 'last_run_time' => $last_run_time };
Cpanel::Config::FlushConfig::flushConfig( $file . '/cpbackupstatus.cfg', $backup_status_ref, '=' );
my $days_old = ( time() - ($last_run_time) ) / ( 60 * 60 * 24 ); #9 =mtime
print "[cpbackup] backup point $file is " . sprintf( '%0.2f', $days_old ) . " days old\n";
return ( ( $days_old < 0 || $days_old > $days ) ? 1 : 0 ); #case 19450:: now time warp safe
sub update_last_run_time {
my $dir = shift;
my $time = shift || time();
my $backup_status_ref;
my $cfg_file = $dir . '/cpbackupstatus.cfg';
if ( -e $cfg_file ) {
$backup_status_ref = Cpanel::Config::LoadConfig::loadConfig( $cfg_file, {}, '=' );
#This file gets unlink()ed immediately down below.
#Itβs conceivable that this is here in event of failure in
#flushConfig(), except flushConfig() doesnβt throw exceptions.
#So, itβs unclear whatβs intended. TODO FIXME XXX
Cpanel::FileUtils::Move::safemv( $cfg_file, "$cfg_file.bak" );
$backup_status_ref->{'last_run_time'} = $time;
Cpanel::Config::FlushConfig::flushConfig( $cfg_file, $backup_status_ref, '=' );
unlink "$cfg_file.bak" if -e "$cfg_file.bak";
sub backup_all_mysql_databases {
my ($conf) = @_;
my $mysqldatadir = Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Dir::getmysqldir() || '/var/lib/mysql';
while ( -l $mysqldatadir ) {
$mysqldatadir = readlink($mysqldatadir);
my $rawdir = $mysqldatadir;
$rawdir =~ s/\//_/g;
my $basedir = $conf->{'BACKUPDIR'};
$basedir .= '/cpbackup';
my $curr_backup_dir = $basedir . '/' . $conf->{'BACKUPINT'};
my @EXCLUDES = Cpanel::Backup::SystemResources::get_excludes_args_by_path($mysqldatadir);
Cpanel::SafeDir::MK::safemkdir("$curr_backup_dir/dirs") if !-d "$curr_backup_dir/dirs";
# Added exclude for /proc for chroot bind setups to prevent error messages
if ( $conf->{'BACKUPINC'} eq "yes" ) {
print "[cpbackup] Starting incremental MySQL database backups\n";
if ( cpusystem( $rsync_bin, $rsyncopts, @EXCLUDES, '--delete', "$mysqldatadir/", "$curr_backup_dir/dirs/$rawdir" ) != 0 ) {
print STDERR "[cpbackup] Failed to perform incremental MySQL database backup\n";
else {
print "[cpbackup] Starting full MySQL database backups\n";
if ( cpusystem( $tar_bin, '--use-compress-program=/usr/local/cpanel/bin/gzip-wrapper', '--create', '--preserve-permissions', '--file', "$curr_backup_dir/dirs/$rawdir.tar.gz", @EXCLUDES, $mysqldatadir ) == 0 ) {
chmod( 0600, "$curr_backup_dir/dirs/$rawdir.tar.gz" ) if $status == 0;
else {
print STDERR "[cpbackup] Failed to perform full MySQL database backup\n";
sub backupaccts { ## no critic qw(Subroutines::ProhibitExcessComplexity)
my $target = shift;
my $all_targets = shift;
#if another cpbackup starts just go bye bye
if ( !( $CONF{'BACKUPFILES'} eq "no" ) ) {
print "[cpbackup] Running dir & file backup with target : $target\n";
if ( !-e "$target/files" ) {
mkdir( "$target/files", 0700 );
if ( !-e "$target/dirs" ) {
mkdir( "$target/dirs", 0700 );
chmod( 0700, "$target/files", "$target/dirs" );
my ( $syncstatus, $syncmessage );
foreach my $file (@FILES) {
next if ( !-e $file );
my $rawfile = $file;
$rawfile =~ s/\//_/g;
if ( $CONF{'BACKUPINC'} eq "yes" ) {
( $syncstatus, $syncmessage ) = Cpanel::SimpleSync::syncfile( $file, "$target/files/$rawfile", 0, 1 );
else {
( $syncstatus, $syncmessage ) = Cpanel::SimpleSync::syncfile( $file, "$target/files/$rawfile", 0, 1 );
if ( $syncstatus != 0 ) {
if ( cpusystem( $gzip_bin, "-f", "$target/files/$rawfile" ) != 0 ) {
print STDERR "[cpbackup] Failed to compress file $target/files/$rawfile\n";
if ( $syncstatus == 0 ) { print STDERR "[cpbackup] Failed to backup $file ($syncmessage)\n"; }
foreach my $dir (@DIRS) {
next if ( !-e $dir );
my $rawdir = $dir;
$rawdir =~ s/\//_/g;
my @EXCLUDES = Cpanel::Backup::SystemResources::get_excludes_args_by_path($dir);
# Added exclude for /proc for chroot bind setups to prevent error messages
if ( $CONF{'BACKUPINC'} eq "yes" ) {
if ( cpusystem( $rsync_bin, $rsyncopts, @EXCLUDES, '--delete', "$dir/", "$target/dirs/$rawdir" ) != 0 ) {
print STDERR "[cpbackup] Failed to perform incremental backup of $dir/ to $target/dirs/$rawdir\n";
else {
if ( cpusystem( $tar_bin, '--use-compress-program=/usr/local/cpanel/bin/gzip-wrapper', '--create', '--preserve-permissions', '--file', "$target/dirs/$rawdir.tar.gz", @EXCLUDES, $dir ) == 0 ) {
chmod( 0600, "$target/dirs/$rawdir.tar.gz" );
else {
print STDERR "[cpbackup] Failed to perform full backup of $dir/ to $target/dirs/$rawdir.tar.gz\n";
print "[cpbackup] Running account backup with target : $target\n";
$ENV{'pkgacct-logs'} = ( $CONF{'BACKUPLOGS'} eq "yes" ? 'yes' : 'no' );
$ENV{'pkgacct-mysql'} = ( ( $CONF{'MYSQLBACKUP'} eq "dir" || $CONF{'MYSQLBACKUP'} eq "no" ) ? 'no' : 'yes' );
$ENV{'pkgacct-psql'} = ( $CONF{'PSQLBACKUP'} eq "no" ? 'no' : 'yes' );
$ENV{'pkgacct-bwdata'} = ( $CONF{'BACKUPBWDATA'} eq "no" ? 'no' : 'yes' );
my %user_error_map = ();
if ( $CONF{'BACKUPACCTS'} ne 'no' ) {
my @cpusers = Cpanel::Config::Users::getcpusers();
foreach my $user ( sort @cpusers ) {
my $user_conf = Cpanel::Config::LoadCpUserFile::load($user);
$user_conf->{'LEGACY_BACKUP'} = 0 if !exists $user_conf->{'LEGACY_BACKUP'};
next if !$user_conf->{'LEGACY_BACKUP'};
if ( $CONF{'BACKUPINC'} eq 'yes' ) {
my $last_update_time = time();
utime( $last_update_time, $last_update_time, "$target/$user" );
if ( cpusystem( $pkgacct, ( $CONF{'COMPRESSACCTS'} eq 'no' ? '--nocompress' : () ), ( $CONF{'BACKUPINC'} eq "yes" ? '--incremental' : () ), $user, $target, 'backup' ) != 0 ) {
print STDERR "[cpbackup] Failed to back up account $user\n";
$user_error_map{$user}{'account'} = {
'error_message' => ( $LAST_CPUSYSTEM_ERROR || 'Failed to backup account' ) # FIXME: This is a hack to avoid refactoring cpusystem
else {
if ( $CONF{'BACKUPTYPE'} eq 'ftp' ) {
my $target_file = ( $CONF{'COMPRESSACCTS'} eq 'no' ? "$user.tar" : "$user.tar.gz" );
foreach my $remote_target (@$all_targets) { # If we are going to update multiple targets we send the file multiple times
# previously we would build the backup once for every target. Now we just upload it once
# instead as we know all the targets before we get here now
my %ftp_error_info = ftpsend( $remote_target, $target . '/' . $target_file, $target_file );
$user_error_map{$user}{'transport'}{$remote_target} = \%ftp_error_info if keys %ftp_error_info;
unlink( $target . '/' . $target_file );
return \%user_error_map;
sub ftpsend {
my ( $targetdir, $targetfile, $remotefile ) = @_;
my $ftpuser = $CONF{'BACKUPFTPUSER'};
my $ftppass = $CONF{'BACKUPFTPPASS'};
my $ftproot = $CONF{'BACKUPFTPDIR'};
my $ftphost = $CONF{'BACKUPFTPHOST'};
my $ftppassive = ( $CONF{'BACKUPFTPPASSIVE'} eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0 );
my $ftptimeout = $CONF{'BACKUPFTPTIMEOUT'} || 120;
my @FD = split( /\//, $targetdir );
my $backtype = $FD[$#FD];
my $ftp = Net::FTP->new(
Debug => 1,
Passive => $ftppassive,
Timeout => $ftptimeout
unless ($ftp) {
my $msg = 'Unable to connect to remote FTP server.';
my $localized_message = $locale->maketext('The system was unable to connect to the remote [asis,FTP] server.');
print "$msg\n";
return ( 'error_message' => $localized_message );
my $status = $ftp->login( $ftpuser, $ftppass );
if ( !$status ) {
my $ftp_message = $ftp->message() || get_ftp_error($ftp);
$ftp_message = Cpanel::StringFunc::Trim::ws_trim($ftp_message);
my $msg = 'Unable to log in to remote FTP server.';
my $localized_message = $locale->maketext( 'The system was unable to log in to the remote [asis,FTP] server due to an error: β[_1]β', $ftp_message );
print "$msg\n";
return ( 'error_message' => $localized_message );
# if $ftproot is not defined by the user, default to cpbackup
if ( $ftproot eq "" ) {
$ftproot = 'cpbackup';
$status = $ftp->put( $targetfile, $remotefile );
if ( !$status ) {
my $ftp_message = $ftp->message() || get_ftp_error($ftp);
$ftp_message = Cpanel::StringFunc::Trim::ws_trim($ftp_message);
my $msg = 'Unable to upload the backup to the remote FTP server.';
my $localized_message = $locale->maketext( 'The system was unable to upload the backup to the remote [asis,FTP] server due to an error: β[_1]β', $ftp_message );
print "$msg\n";
return ( 'error_message' => $localized_message );
sub get_ftp_error {
my ($ftp_obj) = @_;
my $response = Cpanel::FtpUtils::ResponseCodes::get_response_text( $ftp_obj->code() );
return $response if $response;
return $locale->maketext('An unknown error occurred.');
#Returns the exit status of the given command, or -1 if the exec() failed.
#NOTE: If the command died from a signal, this will falsely report success!
sub cpusystem {
my ( $program, @args ) = @_;
my $sigman;
$LAST_CPUSYSTEM_ERROR = ''; # FIXME: This is a hack to avoid refactoring cpusystem
my $ok;
try {
# before_exec is slow, avoid it
local $ENV{'CPBACKUP'} = 1;
program => $program,
args => \@args,
stdout => \*STDOUT,
stderr => \*STDERR,
after_fork => sub {
my ($child_pid) = @_;
my $infanticide_cr = sub {
$sigman = $SIGNAL_MANAGER || Cpanel::SignalManager->new();
for my $sig ( $sigman->FATAL_SIGNALS() ) {
signal => $sig,
name => 'infanticide',
handler => $infanticide_cr,
$ok = 1;
catch {
last NONFATAL if !try { $_->isa('Cpanel::Exception::ProcessFailed::Error') };
my $err_code = $_->get('error_code');
my ($base_program) = $program =~ m<.*/(.+)>;
if ( $base_program eq 'gtar' || $base_program eq 'gnutar' ) {
$base_program = 'tar';
my $mod = "Cpanel::ExitValues::$base_program";
last NONFATAL if !$mod->can('error_is_nonfatal_for_cpanel');
if ( $mod->error_is_nonfatal_for_cpanel($err_code) ) {
$ok = 1;
my $errstr = $mod->number_to_string($err_code);
#warn() would print a stack trace, which we donβt want.
print STDERR "$program returned a non-fatal error code, $err_code ($errstr).\n";
if ( !$ok ) {
$LAST_CPUSYSTEM_ERROR = Cpanel::Exception::get_string($_); # FIXME: This is a hack to avoid refactoring cpusystem
warn "[cpbackup] " . Cpanel::Exception::get_string($_);
finally {
for my $sig ( $sigman->FATAL_SIGNALS() ) {
$sigman->delete( name => 'infanticide', signal => $sig );
return $ok ? 0 : 1; #Historical: 0 for success, 1 for failure.
sub _nonzero_status_is_ok {
return 0;
sub setup_and_clean_logs {
if ( !-d $logdir ) {
unlink $logdir;
mkdir $logdir, 0700;
else {
chmod 0700, $logdir;
if ( opendir my $logdir_dh, $logdir ) {
while ( my $file = readdir($logdir_dh) ) {
if ( -f $logdir . '/' . $file && ( stat(_) )[9] < ( $now - ( 86400 * 10 ) ) ) {
unlink $logdir . '/' . $file;
closedir $logdir_dh;
else {
die "Unable to read directory $logdir: $!";
sub die_if_not_mounted_check {
if ( $CONF{'DIEIFNOTMOUNTED'} eq "yes" ) {
my ( $ismounted, $mountline ) = Cpanel::BackupMount::backup_disk_is_mounted($basemount);
if ( !$ismounted ) {
if ( !-t STDIN ) {
require Cpanel::iContact::Class::Backup::Failure;
require Cpanel::Notify;
'class' => 'Backup::Failure',
'application' => 'Backup::Failure',
'constructor_args' => [
'origin' => 'Legacy cPanel Backup System',
'start_time' => $start_time,
'end_time' => time(),
'reason' => $locale->maketext( 'The system could not complete the backup because it could not mount β[_1]β.', $basemount )
print STDERR "[cpbackup] Backup failed! $basemount is not mounted!\n";
exit 1;
else {
print "[cpbackup] Mount found ($mountline)\n";
sub exit_STDERR_log_and_notify {
my ( $status, $subject, $reason ) = @_;
print STDERR "[cpbackup] $status\n";
require Cpanel::Notify;
my $app = 'Legacy cPanel Backup System';
'class' => 'Backup::Failure',
'application' => $app,
'interval' => 1, # Always notify
'priority' => 2,
'status' => $status,
'constructor_args' => [
'origin' => $app,
'start_time' => $start_time,
'end_time' => time(),
'reason' => $reason,
sub usage {
my $prog = $0;
$prog =~ s{^.+/(.+)$}{$1};
print <<EOF;
$prog [options]
This script will launch the cpanel daily backup process.
Modifiers Flags:
--force - will update the file without checking any conditions
--weekly - force current day to treat weekly backup
--monthly - force current day to treat weekly backup
--debug - do not fork before launching ( devel mode )
--help - dislay this help message and exit