* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/compilers |
# cpanel - scripts/compilers Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cpanel::DataStore ();
use Cpanel::NSCD ();
use Cpanel::SSSD ();
my $set = 0;
my $enabled = int getcompilerstatus();
my $opt = $ARGV[0] // q{};
if ( $opt eq 'off' ) { $enabled = 0; $set = 1; }
if ( $opt eq 'on' ) { $enabled = 1; $set = 1; }
my $cstatus = Cpanel::DataStore::fetch_ref('/var/cpanel/compilerstatus.db');
if ( !defined $cstatus->{'enabled'} ) {
$cstatus->{'enabled'} = $enabled;
Cpanel::DataStore::store_ref( '/var/cpanel/compilerstatus.db', $cstatus );
if ( $opt eq 'restore' ) { $enabled = int $cstatus->{'enabled'}; $set = 1; }
if ( !$set ) {
$cstatus->{'enabled'} = int $enabled;
Cpanel::DataStore::store_ref( '/var/cpanel/compilerstatus.db', $cstatus );
my @COMPILERS = qw( gcc cc c89 c99 cc1 g++ c++ kgcc .*-c++ .*-g++ ld );
my @SEARCHDIRS = qw( /usr/bin /usr/local/bin );
my @PROTECTDIRS = qw( /usr/lib/gcc-lib /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib );
if ( !getgrnam('compiler') ) {
if ( -e '/usr/sbin/pw' ) {
system( '/usr/sbin/pw', 'groupadd', 'compiler' );
else {
system( '/usr/sbin/groupadd', '-r', 'compiler' );
my $gid = int( ( getgrnam('compiler') )[2] );
foreach my $dir (@SEARCHDIRS) {
foreach my $compiler (@COMPILERS) {
if ( -e "${dir}/${compiler}" ) {
if ($enabled) {
chmod( 0755, "${dir}/${compiler}" );
else {
chmod( 0750, "${dir}/${compiler}" );
chown 0, $gid, "${dir}/${compiler}";
foreach my $protectdir (@PROTECTDIRS) {
next unless opendir( PD, $protectdir );
my @FL = readdir(PD);
@FL = grep( !/^\./, @FL );
foreach my $fl (@FL) {
if ($enabled) {
chmod( 0755, "${protectdir}/${fl}" );
else {
chmod( 0750, "${protectdir}/${fl}" );
chown 0, $gid, "${protectdir}/${fl}";
sub getcompilerstatus {
my $cc = '/usr/bin/cc';
while ( readlink($cc) ) {
$cc = readlink($cc);
if ( $cc !~ /^\// ) { $cc = '/usr/bin/' . $cc; }
my $mode = ( stat($cc) )[2] & 0777;
if ( $mode > 0750 ) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub showcompilerstatus {
if ( getcompilerstatus() ) {
print "Compilers are enabled for unprivileged users.\n";
else {
print "Compilers are disabled for unprivileged users.\n";