* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
Indonesia Defacer ~
Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/cleandns |
# cpanel - scripts/cleandns Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
package scripts::cleandns;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long ();
use File::Basename ();
use Cpanel::SafeFile ();
use Cpanel::DNSLib ();
use Cpanel::Hostname ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Move ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy ();
use Cpanel::Logger ();
use Cpanel::SafetyBits ();
use Cpanel::StringFunc::Count ();
use Cpanel::StringFunc::Match ();
exit main(@ARGV) unless caller();
sub help {
print "USAGE:\n\t$0\n\nRemoves zones no longer operated by cPanel users on this host, and removes duplicate zone definitions.\n";
return 1;
#Only use prints if you expect to shoot this over to a web interface, otherwise logger() stuff
sub main {
my @args = @_;
my $logger = Cpanel::Logger->new();
my ( $restart, $help );
v => \$Cpanel::Debug::level,
r => \$restart,
'h|help' => \$help,
return help() if $help;
my $dnslib = Cpanel::DNSLib->new();
my $namedconf = $dnslib->{'namedconf'};
my ( $confstatus, $confresult ) = remove_warnings_checknamedconf( $dnslib->checknamedconf() );
my @confresults = split( /\n/, $confresult );
my @only_dupes = grep { m/already exists previous definition/i } @confresults;
my $only_dupe_errors = ( scalar(@only_dupes) == scalar(@confresults) );
if ( !$confstatus && !$only_dupe_errors ) {
$logger->warn("Fatal! $namedconf fails named-checkconf, please repair named.conf and try again");
print "$namedconf is in a state that cannot be automatically corrected.\n";
print "Please address these issues and before trying again.";
return 1;
my $binduser = $dnslib->{'data'}{'binduser'};
my $bindgrp = $dnslib->{'data'}{'bindgroup'};
my %ZONES = gather_zones( $logger, $dnslib, $namedconf, $binduser, $bindgrp );
$logger->debug("The following zone and zonefiles were found");
$logger->debug("zones with out corresponding zone file (and duplicates) will be removed");
foreach my $key ( sort keys %ZONES ) {
$logger->debug("$key ==> $ZONES{$key}");
Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( $namedconf, $namedconf . '.precleandns' );
my ( $NDC, $namelock, @CONF ) = build_clean_config( $logger, $namedconf, %ZONES );
write_cleaned_config( $namedconf, $namelock, $NDC, @CONF );
( $confstatus, $confresult ) = remove_warnings_checknamedconf( $dnslib->checknamedconf() );
if ( !$confstatus ) {
$logger->warn("cleandns was unable to properly clean $namedconf");
$logger->info("Reverting to original version.");
Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( $namedconf, $namedconf . '.brokencleandns' );
Cpanel::FileUtils::Move::safemv( "-f", $namedconf . 'precleandns', $namedconf );
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgrp, $namedconf );
print "There was an error running the DNS cleanup. Please check the cPanel error logs.";
return 2;
my $shorthost = Cpanel::Hostname::shorthostname();
if ( !$shorthost ) {
$shorthost = 'localhost';
my $host_name_not_properly_set_msg = "Your hostname is not properly set, please run /usr/local/cpanel/bin/set_hostname";
say STDERR ($host_name_not_properly_set_msg);
my $numzones = scalar keys %ZONES;
$logger->info("DNS cleanup successful");
print "Cleaned up " . $numzones . " zone(s) on $shorthost.";
if ($restart) {
$logger->info("Restarting Bind using restartsrv");
exec '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv', 'named';
$logger->debug("Bind will not be restarted automatically.");
$logger->debug("To restart Bind run the following: /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_named");
return 0;
sub _is_line_comment {
my ( $line, $cppcomment, $callback ) = @_;
# Rudimentary comment exclusion.
if ($cppcomment) {
if ( $line =~ m/\*\// ) {
$cppcomment = 0;
$callback->($line) if $callback;
return ( 1, $cppcomment );
if ( $line =~ m/^\s*\#/ ) {
$callback->($line) if $callback;
return ( 1, $cppcomment );
if ( $line =~ m/^\s\/\// ) {
$callback->($line) if $callback;
return ( 1, $cppcomment );
if ( $line =~ m/^\s*\/\*/ ) {
$cppcomment = 1;
$callback->($line) if $callback;
return ( 1, $cppcomment );
return ( 0, $cppcomment );
# XXX I am dissatisfied with this loop and build_clean_config being nearly the same.
# This means we are straight up wasting time in this script which is called by dnsadmin
# and hence needs good performance.
sub gather_zones { ## no critic(ProhibitExcessComplexity)
my ( $logger, $dnslib, $namedconf, $binduser, $bindgrp ) = @_;
my %ZONES;
my $inc = 0;
my $seenhint = 0;
my $zone = '';
my ( $numbrace, $zonemarker, $cppcomment, $continue ) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
my $zonedir = $dnslib->{'data'}{'zonefiledir'};
# Read through named.conf. Gather hash of zones and zone files
open( my $NDC, '<', $namedconf ) || $logger->die("Unable to open $namedconf: $!");
while (<$NDC>) {
( $continue, $cppcomment ) = _is_line_comment( $_, $cppcomment );
next if $continue;
if ($zonemarker) {
$numbrace += Cpanel::StringFunc::Count::get_curly_brace_count($_);
if ( $numbrace == 0 ) {
$zonemarker = 0;
if (m/.*[\s\t\;\{]file\s+["']([^"']+)/) {
my $file = $1;
my $relativedir = '';
if ( !Cpanel::StringFunc::Match::beginmatch( $file, '/' ) ) {
if ( $file =~ m/^([^\/]+)/ ) {
$relativedir = $1;
if ( -e $file ) {
$ZONES{$zone} = $file;
else {
my $filename = File::Basename::basename($file);
my $filenew = $zonedir . '/' . $filename;
if ( -e $filenew ) {
$ZONES{$zone} = $filenew;
elsif ( $relativedir ne ''
&& -e $zonedir . '/' . $relativedir . '/' . $filename ) {
$ZONES{$zone} = $zonedir . '/' . $relativedir . '/' . $filename;
elsif ( -e '/' . $file ) {
$ZONES{$zone} = '/' . $file;
else {
$ZONES{$zone} = '';
if (m/.*[\s\t\;\{]type\s+slave/) {
delete( $ZONES{$zone} );
if (m/\s*zone\s+["']([^"']+)/) {
$zone = $1;
$zonemarker = 1;
$numbrace += Cpanel::StringFunc::Count::get_curly_brace_count($_);
if (m/.*[\s\t\;\{]file\s+["']([^"']+)/) {
my $file = $1;
my $relativedir = '';
if ( !Cpanel::StringFunc::Match::beginmatch( $file, '/' ) ) {
if ( $file =~ m/^([^\/]+)/ ) {
$relativedir = $1;
if ( -e $file ) {
$ZONES{$zone} = $file;
else {
my $filename = File::Basename::basename($file);
my $filenew = $zonedir . '/' . $filename;
if ( -e $filenew ) {
$ZONES{$zone} = $filenew;
elsif ( $relativedir ne ''
&& -e $zonedir . '/' . $relativedir . '/' . $filename ) {
$ZONES{$zone} = $zonedir . '/' . $relativedir . '/' . $filename;
elsif ( -e '/' . $file ) {
$ZONES{$zone} = '/' . $file;
elsif ( $zone eq '.' ) {
Cpanel::FileUtils::Copy::safecopy( '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/named.ca', $filenew );
Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chown( $binduser, $bindgrp, $filenew );
$ZONES{$zone} = $filenew;
else {
$ZONES{$zone} = '';
if ( !$zonemarker ) {
else {
$numbrace += Cpanel::StringFunc::Count::get_curly_brace_count($_);
if ( $numbrace == 0 ) {
$inc = 0;
return %ZONES;
sub build_clean_config {
my ( $logger, $namedconf, %ZONES ) = @_;
my @CONF;
my $zone = '';
my ( $numbrace, $zonemarker, $cppcomment, $continue ) = ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
# Modify named.conf and remove bad entries.
my $namelock = Cpanel::SafeFile::safeopen( my $NDC, "+<", $namedconf );
if ( !$namelock ) {
$logger->die("Could not open $namedconf");
my $seen_already = {};
my $what_view = 'none';
while (<$NDC>) {
( $continue, $cppcomment ) = _is_line_comment( $_, $cppcomment, sub { push( @CONF, shift ) } );
next if $continue;
#Gotta know what view we are in to filter dupes out
$what_view = $1 if $1;
if ($zonemarker) {
$numbrace += Cpanel::StringFunc::Count::get_curly_brace_count($_);
if ( $numbrace == 0 ) {
$zonemarker = 0;
if ( defined( $ZONES{$zone} ) && $ZONES{$zone} eq '' ) {
elsif ( !defined( $ZONES{$zone} ) ) {
push @CONF, $_;
elsif (m/(.*[\s\t\;\{])file\s+["']/) {
my $space = $1;
push @CONF, $space . "file \"$ZONES{$zone}\"\;\n";
else {
push @CONF, $_;
if (m/\s*zone\s+["']([^"']+)/) {
$zone = $1;
if ( $seen_already->{"$what_view.$zone"} && $seen_already->{"$what_view.$zone"} > 1 ) {
$zonemarker = 0;
$zonemarker = 1;
$numbrace += Cpanel::StringFunc::Count::get_curly_brace_count($_);
if ( defined( $ZONES{$zone} ) && $ZONES{$zone} eq '' ) {
elsif ( !defined( $ZONES{$zone} ) ) {
push( @CONF, $_ );
elsif (m/(.*[\s\t\;\{])file\s+["']/) {
my $space = $1;
push @CONF, $space . "file \"$ZONES{$zone}\"\;\n";
else {
push @CONF, $_;
#Evade warnings
my $skip_dupe_body = ( $what_view && $zone && $seen_already->{"$what_view.$zone"} && $seen_already->{"$what_view.$zone"} > 1 );
if ( !$zonemarker && !$skip_dupe_body ) {
push @CONF, $_;
seek( $NDC, 0, 0 );
return ( $NDC, $namelock, @CONF );
sub write_cleaned_config {
my ( $namedconf, $namelock, $NDC, @CONF ) = @_;
my $deadline = 0;
foreach (@CONF) {
if (m/^[\r\n\s\t]*$/) {
else {
$deadline = 0;
if ( $deadline < 2 ) {
print $NDC $_;
print $NDC "\n";
truncate( $NDC, tell($NDC) );
Cpanel::SafeFile::safeclose( $NDC, $namelock );
return 1;
sub remove_warnings_checknamedconf {
my ( $configstatus, $configresult ) = @_;
return ( $configstatus, $configresult ) if $configstatus;
my $config_warning_rx = qr/option 'additional-from-cache' is obsolete/;
my @errors = split "\n", $configresult;
return ( $configstatus, $configresult ) unless scalar @errors;
my $new_config_result = [];
foreach my $errorLine (@errors) {
push @{$new_config_result}, $errorLine unless $errorLine =~ /$config_warning_rx/;
$configstatus = 1 if $#{$new_config_result} < 0;
$configresult = join( "\n", @{$new_config_result} );
return ( $configstatus, $configresult );
1; #magic true since this is included in build-tools/clean_test_cruft