* Sunda Cyber Army 2k17 *
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Path : /scripts/ |
Current File : //scripts/check_unmonitored_enabled_services |
# cpanel - scripts/check_unmonitored_enabled_services
# Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
# All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited
package scripts::check_unmonitored_enabled_services;
use strict;
use Cpanel::Usage ();
use Cpanel::Services::Installed::State ();
# This now only runs when we update to a new version
# unless it is run manually. The interval has been
# lowered as a result of this change.
my $ONE_WEEK_IN_SECONDS = ( 86400 * 7 );
sub script {
my ( $class, $argv ) = @_;
my %opts = (
notify => 0,
quiet => 0,
my $self = bless {}, $class;
sub { my (@args) = @_; $self->usage(@args); },
{ 'notify' => \$opts{'notify'}, 'quiet' => \$opts{'quiet'} },
$self->{'notify'} = $opts{'notify'};
$self->{'quiet'} = $opts{'quiet'};
require Cpanel::Locale;
my $old = $self->_locale()->set_context_plain();
my $installed_services_state = Cpanel::Services::Installed::State::get_installed_services_state();
my @unmonitored_enabled_services =
grep { $_->{'type'} eq 'services' && $_->{'enabled'} && !$_->{'monitored'} && $_->{'name'} ne 'apache_php_fpm' } sort { $a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'} } @{$installed_services_state};
if (@unmonitored_enabled_services) {
$self->send_notification( \@unmonitored_enabled_services );
else {
print $self->_locale()->maketext(q{OK}), "\n" unless $self->{'quiet'};
return 0;
sub usage {
my ($self) = @_;
print $self->_locale()->maketext(q{This tool verifies the services are being monitored.}), "\n\n";
print $self->_locale()->maketext( q{Usage: [_1][comment,a program name] ~[options~]}, $0 ), "\n\n";
print $self->_locale()->maketext(q{Options:}), "\n";
print "\t--help ", $self->_locale()->maketext(q{Display this help message.}), "\n";
print "\t--notify ", $self->_locale()->maketext(q{Send a failure notification to the system administrator.}), "\n";
print "\t--quiet ", $self->_locale()->maketext(q{Do not display output, and instead set the [output,asis,UNIX] exit code.}), "\n\n";
exit 0;
sub send_notification {
my ( $self, $unmonitored_enabled_services_ref ) = @_;
require Cpanel::Notify;
my $status = join( ",", sort map { $_->{'name'} } @{$unmonitored_enabled_services_ref} );
my $ic_obj = Cpanel::Notify::notification_class(
'class' => 'Check::UnmonitoredEnabledServices',
'application' => 'Check::UnmonitoredEnabledServices',
'status' => $status,
'constructor_args' => [
'origin' => 'check_unmonitored_enabled_services',
'services' => $unmonitored_enabled_services_ref,
'skip_send' => 1,
unless ( $self->{'quiet'} ) {
print $ic_obj->render_template_include_as_text( 'template' => 'subject', 'type' => 'text' ) . "\n\n" . $ic_obj->render_template_include_as_text( 'template' => 'body', 'type' => 'html' );
if ( $self->{'notify'} ) {
my %notify_check_args = (
app => 'Check::UnmonitoredEnabledServices',
status => $status,
return 0 if Cpanel::Notify::notify_blocked(%notify_check_args);
return 1;
sub _locale {
my ($self) = @_;
require Cpanel::Locale;
return ( $self->{'_locale'} ||= Cpanel::Locale->get_handle() );
exit( __PACKAGE__->script( \@ARGV ) ) unless caller;
=head1 NAME
check_unmonitored_enabled_services - Checks for services that are enabled to run but not enabled in chkservd
This script checks the state of services and can notify when one or more is